Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Real Estate Professions Career Search

Objective: (1) Identify possible careers in real estate; (2) Develop research and writing skills


  1. Pick three (3) of the following careers, one from each group.
  • Group One
    • Title Researcher and Examiner
    • Title Closing Agent
    • Market and Feasibility Analyst for Real Estate
    • Real Estate Appraiser
    • Real Estate Attorney
    • Residential Real Estate Broker
    • Commercial Real Estate Broker
    • Property Management
    • Leasing Agents
    • Construction Manager
    • General Contractor
  • Group Two
    • Land Planner
    • Environmental Engineer
    • Urban and Regional Planner
    • Community Development Specialist
  • Group Three
    • Home Loan Originator
    • Mortgage Broker
    • Federal Thrift Examiner
    • Loan Officer
    • Investor
    • Construction Lender
  1. Research the career option online. Some suggested sites are:

https://www.bls.gov/ooh/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

https://business.uc.edu/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Then, drop down menu: Faculty and Research; then Centers. Real Estate is listed on the left hand side of the page.

  1. Prepare a report on the three careers. Write your report as if you were speaking to a freshman and are trying to convince them of the benefits of the career.
    • Things you MUST include:
      • Description of the career
      • Why you think it would be a good career option
    • Things you might include:
      • Education Required
      • Career Outlook
      • Average Salary
      • Special licensing requirements (such as a real estate license)
      • Other
  1. Technical Requirements:
    1. Must be typed
    2. Standard size 12 font
    3. Standard 1” margins
    4. Double-spaced
    5. 2 paragraphs per career
    6. Proper grammar and spelling
    7. Use APA style to site your sources. Check out the Purdue Owl: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

    I will attach the sample as file the assigment will be similar to the file in the attachment.

Writing Homework Help

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