Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. CASE STUDY- Security

What security countermeasures would you include in providing a layered security system for a three-building corporate campus that includes a five-story building which is the headquarters office for “J and K,” a major pharmaceutical company, in the following scenario? (HINT – start by identifying what you believe are the critical assets and their locations and work from there ….)

Assume that there have been “moderate” threats made against this company, however the threats are not too specific, since most of the threats have been made by posts in social media. Employees have become worried about their safety and executives have grown more cautious in their daily activities.

Significantly, major protests have been staged around the facility. The protestors claim that is a major manufacturer of opioids. In the last weeks, a few arrests of protesters have been made and they have found to be carrying firearms.

The campus is located adjacent to a river that flows into Chesapeake Bay and sits on ground 8 feet above sea level. The building is in a suburban location, sited on approximately five acres adjacent to an interstate highway ramp. Parking is included within the campus boundary and approximately 750 employees are present daily, plus approximately 50 visitors. The loading docks can be accessed from the parking lot via side roads.

Building 1 contains the headquarters offices and is where all of the company’s executives

work; all field administrative operations (human resources etc.) are coordinated from this

building. Building 2 is where sensitive research is conducted (scientist, and research) and computer – information technology is coordinated. Building 3 has what may be considered as the overflow operations for the company; sensitive training (laboratories), conference rooms and storage. The computer room is in the basement of Building 2 essentially to provide a cool operating environment. The storage facilities hold equipment and supplies used to maintain the grounds.

See the map below for the company. Light poles are indicated by the “+” symbol.

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