Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Press Statement

When a company, organization or celebrity has information that they wish the public to know they release a press statement that goes into detail about an upcoming change in position. research and look into drafting a change in policy, new product, innovation or career modification. 3 minute statement that contains pertinent facts pertaining to some change in position.

Think of a press release along the lines of Amazon buying Whole Foods. You do not need a current event, you may use your imagination, but the wording should be professional

you can use your imagination and create a statement of policy that may be fictitious; US automakers will switch all production to electric cars is a good example of what you may want to talk about. Perhaps the US will announce plans to put a man on Mars. The US government will make a college education free to all US students if they qualify. The statement should be 2 to 3 minutes long outlining all aspects of the plan.

statements must be grounded in the realm of possibility i.e. “Jennifer Lopez is starting her own record label.”

Writing Homework Help

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