Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Question feedback

Question 1. Read Chapter 20 in Argument Today then read Cruz’s “College Affordability: Damned If You Go, Damned If You Don’t” and Motoko’s “Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading?

In your initial post, use the Argument Today reading concerning plain style and elevated style to provide examples from the articles. You should identify two specific passages from either text (Cruz or Motoko) that employ plain style and explain why they are exemplary of the point in Chapter 20. Then, do the same for elevated style. Both articles present plenty of examples; read closely!

feedback’s from question 1

1. Cruz:

Plain – “Colleges and universities need to control costs… Affordability, after all, depends not only on cost, but on students’ ability to pay — without foreclosing on their future because of unfathomable student loan debt. ” – This section of the paragraph contains good breathing length (pg. 434), with varying sentence lengths that are not too complicated to read.

Elevated – “are in the same boat,” – This is a dead metaphor (pg. 436)


Plain – “A 2006 survey by the Conference Board, which conducts research for business leaders,” – The “Doer”, which in this example is the “Conference Board”, is made the subject of the sentence; it is placed early on in the sentence, so it covers both step 2 and 3 of plain writing (pg. 432)

Elevated – “‘What the net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration'” – The Internet cannot literally chip away at someones capacity for concentration; therefore, this is personification (pg. 473) of the Internet.

Now you have to give feedback regards to their writing with examples or your own thoughts (5 complete sentences will be fine)

No plagiarism,citation or references will allow.

Question 2. In order to change our focus from finding meaning in words to finding meaning in images, your second discussion topic will be to describe a political cartoon based on the Cruz and Motoko readings. If you Google “political cartoon,” you’ll find plenty of examples of what these images do. They represent the heart of an idea or conflict in a way that someone working through the newspaper immediately sees the irony or satire that is being represented. While some are true masterpieces, their power comes from representing difficult ideas in a very accessible way. Think of the readings and choose one to “sketch” in words. Then, describe what the cartoon version of this article would look like using a detailed description. It should be about 100 words long and explain why it makes the concept accessible to the audience.

feedback’s from question 2

1. The car is all packed up with the student’s luggage and furniture for his dorm room as he gets ready to head off to college. The mom is hugging the son and sobbing, she looks like she is completely falling apart. Tears are rolling down her cheeks. The father is standing next to them, he is holding a bill. He says to the son, your mom is not upset you are going off to college, she just got a good look at the financial aid bill.

I chose this because of Cruz’s article about school tuition. While, we are going to school to better ourselves and to make more money at our jobs, one has to wonder if it is really worth it. We are going to be making more money but having to use it to pay our school tuition back.

2.The political cartoon I am using elaborates further on what Cruz wrote about in his article; college affordability. I believe colleges and universities have taken advantage of the modern-day middle-class worker by raising college prices to all-time highs. To my recollection, he also states that college loan debt is exceeding or has exceeded the amount of debt from credit cards.

My political cartoon would consist of students attending graduation. Students of all creeds and shades; with different types of degrees, would attend the graduation. A metal shackled chain wrapped around their feet with a huge cinder block attached to it stating in bold letters, DEBT. Also, I would have the big bankers and the different chairmen of the federal reserve in the audience, with twistedly weird grins on their faces; like a predator does to its prey.

Image result for political cartoons college debt

Good Morning by Kanye West(ironically from his Graduation album) playing as they walk down the aisle.

Now you have to give feedback regards to their writing with examples. (5 complete sentences will be fine) indivijually

No plagiarism,citation or references will allow.

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