Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Have to read then talk about your point of view

Reaction Papers – The class will also be graded for credit (and provide me feedback) via short reaction papers – (these are 1page, typed, double-spaced, discussion assignments will be due, emailed to me, on the dates announced below) – Do not attempt to summarize the whole of a reading in your reaction paper. These will analyze a short problem area in our reading of your choosing, but also give me an opportunity to see where each student’s interests and approaches lie for the essay assignments. On these papers you are to choose a particular concept, idea, or argument from our readings, that interests you to discuss critically (why you disagree), or constructively (why you are convinced or see the strength of the view), or comparatively (point out the similarities and differences between theorists). A targeted, particular analysis is sought of a section, idea, or comparative place. These are for credit assignments

2) Plato – Apologyhttp://classics.mit.edu/Plato/apology.html

3) Plato – Critohttp://www.pitt.edu/~mthompso/readings/crito.pdf

Writing Homework Help

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