Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Public Opinion Short Essay

The purpose of this essay is to examine the bases of ideological perspectives. This assignment has three parts but the essence of the assignment is part 2*, this is where the bulk of the points will be scored.

  1. Your ideology
    1. Take the PEW typology quiz http://www.people-press.org/quiz/political-typology/ (Links to an external site.)
    2. How were you categorized?
    3. Are you at all surprised by your results?
  2. Examine the bases of your ideological perspective in terms of:
    1. Chapter 6, “Public Opinion” of your Open to Debate e-text
    2. Jonathan Haidt and George Lakoff who look at differences in ideology as manifestations of deep-seated moral values. I will be expecting references to Haidt and Lakoff in your essay and you should find the following resources to be of help.
      1. Haidt, “What Makes People Vote Republican” Ch. 6 Reader
      2. Jonathan Haidt TED Talk: https://embed.ted.com/talks/jonathan_haidt_can_a_divided_america_heal (Links to an external site.)
      3. Lakoff, “Don’t Underestimate Trump” Ch. 6 Reader
  3. Please relate your understanding of the cognitive bases of ideological reasoning, above, to the narratives employed in the 2016 presidential election: https://businessofstory.com/podcast/brander-chief-dr-randy-olson-explains-power-trumps-narrative-intuition/ (Links to an external site.). What about facts: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/donald-trump-lies-liar-effect-brain-214658 (Links to an external site.)?

Source Material:

  1. Open to Debate e-text: Chapter Six Public Opinion
    1. Power-point lecture outlines (in the Chapter 6 Canvas Module
    2. Video Lectures, also in the Chapter 6 Canvas Module (many students find these to be particularly helpful):
  2. American Government Examined e-reader:
    1. Chapter Six: Haidt, “What Makes People Vote Republican”
    2. Chapter Six: Lakoff “Don’t Underestimate Trump”
  3. Online:
    1. Jonathan Haidt TED Talk: https://embed.ted.com/talks/jonathan_haidt_can_a_divided_america_heal (Links to an external site.)
    2. Trump’s Lies v. Your Brain: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/donald-trump-lies-liar-effect-brain-214658 (Links to an external site.)
    3. How Trump’s Narrative Intuition Beat Clinton: https://businessofstory.com/podcast/brander-chief-dr-randy-olson-explains-power-trumps-narrative-intuition/ (Links to an external site.)

    The following are some quotes that you should use for this essay:

“2 million children are being home-schooled in some 500,000 households. Although this is a very small percentage of all school-age children, nearly two-thirds of the parents in those households are evangelistic Christians who often have a strong cultural agenda they want to convey to their children” (153)

TED Talk, Can A Divided America Heal? “it is a very strong word, and it could be the wall between races. During the election, the candidates gossip about each other, and they try to impart a negative impression of their rivals to the voters.”

“Millennials are more skeptical of the United States’ role in the world and don’t express support for American exceptionalism.” from the article Here’s how millennials could change politics of The Washington Post, Rubin

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