Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. 3-5 pages exhibition reivew essay “unsettling femininity”

I want this component of the class to be very open to your own interests, and so I’ll keep the guidelines basic, discuss in particular: (1) what the works seem to be about, the issues they raise and the stances they take; (2) how they might be related to ideas/issues/works we’ve encountered in class; 3) how successful you feel the works are and why. You may look at reviews by local critics, and I’ll give you samples of students’ reviews from past classes, but please do not use their approaches as strict templates for your own. And do not, under any circumstances, “forget” to cite any sources you use; this includes gallery websites, press releases, etc.

Format: 3-5 pages, double-spaced, 1” margins

Introduction: Give your readers an overview of the show, describing the visual experience, alerting them to the key issues/ideas the artist(s) is exploring or that you will be addressing.

Body: Pick no more than three works that will serve as examples of the keys points you want to make about the show.

  1. What theme or idea is the work exploring in general? Do different works take different stances, or explore different facets of the general theme?
  2. Can you relate works in the exhibition to works you’ve seen before? Works from class? Politics? Philosophy? Visual culture at large? What’s similar or different?
  3. If you have access to an artist’s statement, does that help you to understand the work more fully? Does it detract from other possibilities of interpretation?
  4. What materials are being used? For what reason, or to what effect? Do the materials have particular historical or cultural resonance?
  5. Do you find the works compelling? If so, in what way (be specific)? If not, why not? Remember here, it is easy to admire an artist’s subject in advance—and forget about how that subject is represented or indeed whether an artist has made you think about the subject in a new way.

Conclusion: You’ll probably want to summarize key points in the body, of course, but consider the conclusion as a way to ask questions the work made you think about, but which are better left as the subject of a longer analysis. You should also bring together your assessment of the show here, summarizing who might be interested in the show, and why—or why not (drawing from your refection on your own experience).

the exhibition is called “Unsettling Feminity” in the Frye Museum, here you can find basic info about the show:


And I will provide you with photos of the exhibition later so you can choose works to discuss

Writing Homework Help

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