Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Accounting Concepts Application Paper

In a series of assignments throughout the course, you will write an Accounting Concept Application Paper (ACAP). This paper will allow you the opportunity to further explore topics from the course, demonstrate an informed understanding of the topics, and apply relevant knowledge to analyzing and evaluating this information within the familiar context of your workplace. In this paper, you will select a topic or concept covered in the course and apply it to your current or most recent job. You may draw from specific topics covered in the Porter & Norton text or the Berman & Knight book.

Additional information, instructions, and rubrics are included in Blackboard in the appropriate weekly Learning Activities Modules. View this information prior to beginning your work.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to further explore topics from the course, demonstrate an informed understanding of the topics, and apply relevant knowledge to analyzing and evaluating this information within the familiar context of your workplace. In this paper, you will select a topic or concept covered in the course and apply it to your current or most recent job. You may draw from specific topics covered in the Porter & Norton text or the Berman & Knight book.


Writing is a process. You have some milestone assignments (formative assessments) to help prepare for this Critical Assignment including

  • Topic Selection (Week 2) (Done)
  • Annotated Bibliography (Week 4) (Done)

I will provide feedback on each of these assignments. You should use that feedback to inform and improve your paper for the final submission.


The ACAP is a personal application and reflection assignment that draws on the course content and is enhanced by your own research in the organization as well as research in the literature. You should be careful to cover each required topic/heading thoroughly and with a graduate-level depth of detail to demonstrate critical thinking and analytical skills.

You should draw from specific topics covered in the main texts (Porter & Norton and Berman & Knight), material covered in the course, and your own research when analyzing the concept you select.

Please use this information as a guideline of the requirements and expectations of the ACAP. For bullets 1 through 6 in the list below, include the components as specific headings in your paper and address the requirements as indicated. Additional information and reflection is also encouraged.

  • Background
    • Identify the company and your job title. – I am a Sales Manager for a company that sells labor law compliance materials.
    • Include a brief description of your job responsibilities. – My responsibilities include managing a team of 35 sales reps and being held accountable for about $50,000 a day in sales revenue.
  • Accounting (or Finance) Concept
    • Describe and discuss this concept in a general context.
  • Relevance
    • Describe and discuss this concept in the context of your company.
    • Describe and discuss this concept in the context of your job or your role within the company.
  • Personal Application
    • Describe and discuss what you learned about this concept in the course and how it is the same or different from your previous knowledge of the concept.
    • Briefly evaluate your performance in the company before learning about this concept in the course.
    • How will this new knowledge and understanding help you in your job? (e.g. How can you do your job better?)
    • What are some additional steps you can take to use or extend this knowledge in your job?
  • Future Steps
    • Identify and discuss another accounting or finance topic or concept of interest.
    • Discuss why the concept interests you. (e.g. How will it help you grow in your job or your career?)
    • Describe and discuss ways in which you plan to learn more about it.
  • References: The paper must be supported by a minimum of four (4) unique references as follows
    • 1 – Porter & Norton text *OR* Berman & Knight text
    • 3 – Academic references from peer-reviewed business or accounting journals articles published within 7 years of the course start date – You should use the references from the attached annotated bibliography
    • In the final paper, do not include the narrative annotations for your references. The annotations should be included in the Annotated Bibliography only and should be excluded from this assignment.
  • Faith Integration: Integrate a faith component (scripture quote, reference, and discussion) into your paper.
    • Include a complete explanation of how the scripture applies.
    • Do not just insert a scripture into the paper without an explanation.
    • Do not include it as a separate heading in the paper for faith integration. Instead, it should be included and integrated into the narrative within one of the first five headings.
  • Rubric: Review the necessary components and quality characteristic requirements required as stated in the rubric.
  • General: The paper should meet the following general requirements.
    • The paper must be 6 to 8 pages in length.
    • The paper should be double spaced.
    • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
    • Title page, references, and other material used in appendices as additional support DO NOT count toward the page count requirement.
  1. Identify the accounting or finance topic or concept of interest – The topic I chose is “The pros and cons of using specific types of accounting software (QuickBooks and SAP)” You would be researching the pros and cons of each from a management perspective on the buy-decision. Compare the two accounting software choices and describe which one would be better for the business.

Note: If you select Ratio Analysis as your topic, you will need to perform the actual calculations of 15 to 20 ratios for a minimum of two years AND perform a narrative analysis to discuss the meaning of the results and trends as they relate to the company.

Your paper will be graded according to the standards that are established in the ACAP Grading Rubric attach below.

Writing quality and adherence to APA standards will be graded. You should use professional language and tone as well as proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and flow. One exception is the APA requirement of using the third person (ex: he would, she explained, their illustration, one’s opinion). Instead, please write this paper using first person voice (I, me, my).

The papers must reflect the work of each student for this particular assignment in this specific course. This is not a group assignment in terms of the actual term paper; however, you are encouraged to collaborate and discuss the contents of the paper outside of class. Collaboration and dialogue will enhance the learning experience as you share opinions, analyze the issues, and evaluate concepts related to accounting.

Critical Assignment Rubric: Accounting Concept Application Paper



Dimensions &
(CLO/SLO Addressed)

Exemplary (4)


Accomplished (3)


Developing (2)


Beginning (1)



Dimension 1:Background

CLO – 1.4

SLO – 8.1, 8.2, 9.4

USO – APb, ESa


Weight= 5%

Detailed, clearly, and succinctly describes the company, job title, and job responsibilities.

Describes basic elements of the company, job title, and job responsibilities.

Describes elements that are not critical or relevant to the company, job title, and job responsibilities.

Does not address the company, job title, and job responsibilities.


Dimension 2:Accounting or Finance Concept

CLO – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

SLO – 8.1, 8.2, 9.4

USO – APb, ESa


Weight= 10%

Clearly and accurately identifies an accounting or finance concept covered in the course material.

Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the concept.

Identifies basic elements tied to the accounting or finance concept, but focuses more on secondary use or application rather than the primary use or application.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the concept.

Identifies secondary uses and applications as the primary uses and application.

Demonstrates a limited understanding of the concept.

Does not address an accounting or finance concept covered in the course material.

Does not demonstrate an understanding of the concept.


Dimension 3:Relevance

CLO – 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

SLO – 8.1, 8.2, 9.4

USO – APb, ESa


Weight= 15%

Clearly and accurately identifies ways in which the concept is relevant to the company.

Demonstrates an advanced understanding of ways in which the concept was relevant to the job or role within the company.

Identifies basic ways in which the concept is relevant to the company.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the ways in which the concept was relevant to the job or role within the company.

Identifies secondary ways in which the concept is relevant to the company.

Demonstrates a limited understanding of the ways in which the concept was relevant to the job or role within the company.

Does not address ways in which the concept is relevant to the company.

Does not demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which the concept was relevant to the job or role within the company.


Dimension 4:Personal Application

CLO – 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

SLO – 8.1, 8.2, 9.4

USO – APb, ESa


Weight= 25%

Provides a detailed and well-developed explanation of what was learned, how the concept changed job performance, and the additional steps necessary to extend the knowledge of this concept further.

Provided detailed information related to additional resources and tools necessary to effectively take the additional steps.

Provides a basic explanation of what was learned, how the concept changed job performance, and the additional steps necessary to extend the knowledge of this concept further.

Provided basic information related to additional resources and tools necessary to effectively take the additional steps.

Provides a limited explanation of what was learned, how the concept changed job performance, and the additional steps necessary to extend the knowledge of this concept further.

Provided limited information related to additional resources and tools necessary to effectively take the additional steps.

Does not provide a relevant explanation of what was learned, how the concept changed job performance, and the additional steps necessary to extend the knowledge of this concept further.

Did not provide information related to additional resources and tools necessary to effectively take the additional steps.


Dimension 5: Future Steps

CLO – 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

SLO – 8.1, 8.2, 9.4

USO – APb, ESa


Weight= 20%

Clearly and accurately identifies an additional accounting or finance concept covered in the course material for future research.

Provides advanced and relevant rationale to support why additional concept should be pursued.

Provides detailed and well-developed information related to additional resources and tools necessary to effectively take the additional steps.

Identifies basic elements tied to an additional accounting or finance concept, but focuses more on secondary use or application rather than the primary use or application.

Provides basic rationale to support why additional concept should be pursued.

Provides basic information related to additional resources and tools necessary to effectively take the additional steps.

Identifies secondary uses and applications of the additional accounting or finance concept as the primary uses and application.

Provides secondary rationale to support why additional concept should be pursued.

Provides limited or underdeveloped information related to additional resources and tools necessary to effectively take the additional steps.

Does not address an additional accounting or finance concept covered in the course material.

Provides no rationale or irrelevant rationale to support why additional concept should be pursued.

Provides no information or irrelevant information related to additional resources and tools necessary to effectively take the additional steps.


Dimension 6: Faith Integration

CLO – 1.5

SLO – 5.1

USO – APb, ESa, ESb, BR


Weight= 5%

Valid Biblical perspective (including direct quote of passage and book, chapter, verse, translation citation) included and a clear integration of its relevance to the topic.

Biblical perspective (including direct quote of passage and book, chapter, verse, translation citation) included but relevance to topic is not clearly articulated.

Biblical perspective (including direct quote of passage and book, chapter, verse, translation citation) included but relevance to topic is not articulated.

Biblical perspective is not included or verse is not relevant to topic.


Dimension 7:Demonstrate Effective Writing Skills

CLO – 2.2

SLO – 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5

USO – APa, ESa

WCC* – W

Weight= 10%

Use excellent paragraph and sentence structure, with minimal grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, and demonstrate appropriate word choice, tone, and format for the specified audience.

Does not use contractions.

Paraphrases academic references (no direct quotes).

Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness. Provides thorough details and relevant data or information; extremely well-organized. (1 or fewer errors/issues)

Use acceptable paragraph and sentence structure, with some grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors, and demonstrate appropriate word choice, tone, and format for the specified audience.

Does not use contractions.

Paraphrases academic references (no direct quotes).

Writing is clear and concise; contains few errors. Provides sufficient details and relevant data or information; well-organized. (2-4 errors/issues)

Use problematic paragraph and sentence structure, with recurring grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors, or inappropriate word choice, tone, or format for the specified audience.

Does not use contractions.

Paraphrases academic references (no direct quotes).

Writing lacks clarity and conciseness; contains numerous errors. Provides insufficient detail and relevant data or information; lacks organization. (5-7 errors/issues)

Consistent lack of control over structure, grammar, tone or other elements of writing appropriate for the specified audience.

Uses contractions.

Uses direct quotes of academic references.

Writing is unfocused and rambling; contains serious errors. Lacks detail and relevant data or information; poorly organized. (8 or more errors/issues)


Dimension 8: Include Relevant Authoritative Research for the Paper

CLO – 2.2, 2.3

SLO – 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.9

USO – APa, ESa


Weight= 5%

Included 4 or more total references as follows:

1 – Porter & Norton *OR* Berman & Knight

3 – Appropriate and relevant academic references from peer-reviewed business or accounting journal articles that were published within 7 years of the course start date.

Included 3 total appropriate and relevant academic references

Included 2 total appropriate and relevant academic references

Included 1 or fewer total appropriate and relevant academic references


Dimension 9: APA Formatting

CLO – 2.2

SLO – 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5

USO – APa, ESa

WCC* – W, IL, CT

Weight= 5%

Meets 4 of the following requirements:

1) Written in first-person using APA format and writing conventions.

2) References must be properly cited in-text.

3) References in the references list are in strict APA format.

4) The paper is written in double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman.

(No errors/issues)

Meets 3 of the following requirements:

1) Written in first-person using APA format and writing conventions.

2) References must be properly cited in-text.

3) References in the references list are in strict APA format.

4) The paper is written in double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman.

(1 error/issue)

Meets 2 of the following requirements:

1) Written in first-person using APA format and writing conventions.

2) References must be properly cited in-text.

3) References in the references list are in strict APA format.

4) The paper is written in double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman.

(2 errors/issues)

Meets 1 or fewer of the following requirements:

1) Written in first-person using APA format and writing conventions.

2) References must be properly cited in-text.

3) References in the references list are in strict APA format.

4) The paper is written in double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman.

(3 or more errors/issues)




* WASC Core Competencies: writing (W), oral communication (OC), quantitative reasoning (QR), information literacy (IL), and critical thinking (CT)

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