Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Paper #1 Workshop: Peer Editing Guidelines for Personal Essay on Deferred Dreams

Review classmate’s paper

Title & General Paper Requirements:

1) What is the paper’s title? Does it reflect the subject of the paper? Does the paper follow the

general paper guidelines (standard margins and font, page numbers, etc.)? Is it a complete

draft (2-3 pages in length; note: a complete draft is optional for this paper)?

Introduction & Argument:

2) Does the paper have a clear topic? What is it? State it here. Does the paper’s introduction

summarize the text and introduce it as context for the personal essay, as the prompt asks?

Does the intro have a concise argument about the author’s personal experience and how it

relates to the text, and is it clearly stated in the introduction? Point to it on the draft and

paraphrase it here. Can you restate it in a clearer, or more specific, way? If so, do so here.

Does the introduction formally introduce the text it will be using (with the full title and full

name of the author) to contextualize the writer’s experience? Offer suggestions for

improvement or clarification, if needed.

3) Based on the introduction, do you get a clear sense of what the paper as a whole is going to

be about? Does the introduction, as a whole, sufficiently orient you to the text’s topic, focus,

and main ideas? Does it work as a blueprint for what’s to come in the paper?

Paper Organization, Supporting Points, & Evidence

4) How is the essay organized and is this organization effective? Does the organization of the

body paragraphs differ from what you expected in #3? If so, is this a problem for the paper’s

argument, or focus (note: it doesn’t have to be a problem)?

5) Do the body paragraphs support the argument? If not, how can they be revised to bring them

in line with the thesis? Alternatively, should the thesis be revised instead, and, if so, how?

6) Does each body paragraph adequately support its claims? Do the paragraphs provide vivid

detail and examples of the author’s experience? Do these examples logically follow as

evidence for the paper’s argument? Are they clearly expressed and organized in a coherent,

convincing way? Does the paper also bring in and cite the outside text to contextualize the

author’s experience? Does is do so in a meaningful way?

7) Are there any body paragraphs that simply summarize the topic being analyzed or are too

general (i.e. don’t offer any evidence)? Point out places where either support or explanation

is lacking. What can the writer do to improve these parts of his/her/their essay?

Conclusion & Significance:

8) What is the paper’s conclusion? Does it focus on the significance of the author’s experience,

argument, and topic? Does it offer new ideas about the stakes of the argument, not simply

repeating the main ideas from the introduction? If not, what suggestions can you make for

improving it?

Proofreading & Final Comments:

9) Was the paper carefully written? Was its language easy or difficult to follow?

10) What are two strengths of this paper?

11) Offer two suggestions that you think will assist the writer in improving his/her/their paper.

Writing Homework Help

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