Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. please read carefully

Hello, I have a 5 page ethical analysis paper (health research ethics), and have completed 3-4 pages of rough content. I need some additional sources and definitions, content added in, current content re-wrote a bit, and formatted for the assignment. Is this something that could be done on short turn around time, given the good bit of content and outline provided?

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4314841/ (example of appropriate source), need definitions from the IRB on guiding clinician-researcher roles (there is outlines and some descriptions in my draft content), this is an ethical analysis on conflict of interest when dual role clinician-researchers obtain research participants from clinical practice. There is a good outline and content for start.

The content is Introduction and objective; statement of the problem, ethical analysis, critique, conclusion, and a reference page (not included in five pages) Times news roman, 12, 1.5 space

Writing Homework Help

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