Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Literature Review on Organizational Development & Change

*I set 7 days for finishing this assignment, so you should have enough time to read the requirements, book, class notes, and articles. Please read them carefully, then write this assignment.

For this assignment, you need to choose a topic (topic cannot too broad) from what we learned this term, then find and read 12 articles about this topic.


  • Pages: As less as you can (Double Space), please ignore what I set for the number of pages
  • Articles:
    • 12 articles must be based on the same topic
    • Articles should be more scholarly
    • If the article published 10 years ago, it is too old
    • I can access the article. You must give me a references page at the end of the paper. I must can access all 12 articles. If I cannot access the article, you must provide and attach a pdf version of this article.
  • Please use the format I attached for this assignment
    • Title: Theme name
    • Articles’’ name and resources, 3-5 sentences summary for each article ( or you can use bullet points if you like)
    • Summary what you learned from these 12 articles
  • Topics what we learned this term ( choose one topic for this assignment)
    • Topics from The Fifth Disciple Fieldbook, by Peter Senge et al. New York, NY: Currency / Doubleday. 1994 (I attached the book)
      • Learning in Organizations (48-52)
      • Working with Mental Models (235-242)
      • Loyalty to the Truth (213-218)
      • The Power of Choice (218-219)
      • Systems Thinking (87-94)
      • Starting with Storytelling (97-108)
      • The Five Whys (108-112)
      • The Leader of Inference (242-246)
      • The Left-Hand Column (246-252)
      • Balancing Inquiry and Advocacy (253-259)
    • Topics from the lecture: Please see attached which is class notes what we learned in the class

Writing Homework Help

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