Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Portfolio Questions

Steps to complete this process:

Please read every essay question carefully before answering to make sure you have acquired the necessary experience/knowledge/skills needed to meet the stated learning outcome.

Pay particular attention to how you attained knowledge, reflected on this knowledge acquisition, and then applied this knowledge to help address new challenges.

You must provide examples and relevant documentation (certificates of completion, letters of recommendation, training records, etc.) to support your accumulation, reflection and application of this knowledge.

All answers should be presented as an original work of the student and represent college-level writing. All essay answers will be run through Safe Assign to check for plagiarism.

In order for you to receive approval for credit, each essay question should be answered in its entirety. In order to increase your chances of approval, please be thorough in your answers.

Each question contains an opportunity to attach one supporting document, but the last question gives you opportunity to attach additional documents at once.

Portfolio for Human Growth and Development.

This course provides an overview of individual development from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Social, cognitive, spiritual, and personality development are covered through the life span, including childhood, adolescence, adulthood and later life. These topics are explored through both a biblical worldview as well as through the perspective of a human service worker.

One of the goals of formalized training is to provide students with information and training and to have them apply this learning both inside and outside the traditional classroom environment. Through your life experience, you have essentially completed the same process, but in reverse. Keep this in mind as you answer the following question for each learning outcome.

  1. Differentiate theories of individual and family development and transitions across the life span.
  2. Identify theories of learning and personality development, including current understandings about neurobiological behavior.
  3. Describe effects of crises, disasters, and other trauma-causing events on persons of all ages
  4. Distinguish theories and models of individual, cultural, couple, family, and community resilience.
  5. Identify a general framework for exceptional abilities and strategies for differentiated interventions.
  6. Explain human behavior, including an understanding of developmental crises, disability, psychopathology, and situational and environmental factors that affect both normal and abnormal behavior.
  7. Employ theories for facilitating optimal development and wellness over the lifespan
  8. Apply emerging theories and current special topics in the field of human development through the lens of Scripture.

9. Examine theories and etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors, including strategies for prevention, intervention, and treatment.

Portfolio for Studies in Interpersonal Communication

An interactive learning experience designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of self and the “listening-to-understanding” skills which facilitate improved interpersonal communications in establishing and maintaining relationships with God and others.

One of the goals of formalized training is to provide students with information and training and to have them apply this learning both inside and outside the traditional classroom environment. Through your life experience, you have essentially completed the same process, but in reverse. Keep this in mind as you answer the following question for each learning outcome.

  1. Critically evaluate self-assessments and examine the impact of personal strengths and weaknesses on interpersonal communication in a variety of contexts.
  2. Demonstrate familiarity with the various aspects of the interpersonal communication process.
  3. Apply active and empathic listening to engage in authentic conversations.
  4. Identify appropriate and effective communication skills for developing and maintaining healthy, healing, and helping relationships in both personal and professional arenas.

Portfolio for Multicultural Issues in Human Services

This course examines contemporary scholarship on race/ethnic relations and addresses issues of racial/ethnic identities, gender inequality, and disability discrimination. It will examine social stratification by looking at various public policy arenas, social institutions, and the history of group marginalization. The course employs case studies, various readings, and theoretical and empirical literature on racial/ethnic relations, gender, and disability issues.

One of the goals of formalized training is to provide students with information and training and to have them apply this learning both inside and outside the traditional classroom environment. Through your life experience, you have essentially completed the same process, but in reverse. Keep this in mind as you answer the following question for each learning outcome.

  1. Explain how American society has been and continues to be shaped by the interaction of diverse groups.
  2. Integrate and critically evaluate the literature on multicultural diversity, including an understanding of the unique worldviews of diverse groups.
  3. Identify behaviors, whether overt or covert, which create a hostile environment for any member of a people group recognized as oppressed.
  4. Develop a biblical rationale and a strategy of diplomacy as it relates to divisive issues such as affirmative action, white privilege, role of women, and disability accommodations.
  5. Explain how various minority communities preserve and express their culture of origin as well as processes of acculturation by which they incorporate aspects of the broader U.S. culture.
  6. Explain the impact disability has on the social context, family, race, and ethnicity and how to serve the needs of this population.
  7. Analyze the role government, laws, and movements have on the disability community.
  8. Demonstrate an understanding of how to present reasoned discussion of multicultural issues in a manner consistent with current formatting guidelines.
  9. Identify concerns and strategies for counseling multicultural clients considering the unique characteristics of multicultural clients.

Portfolio for Group Dynamic

This course involves the study of human beings in relationship to other persons, singularly and in groups. The course explores-in theory and through in-class exercises – the real-life application of various aspects of group dynamics including (but not limited to) leadership, motivation, perception, power, and decision-making.

One of the goals of formalized training is to provide students with information and training and to have them apply this learning both inside and outside the traditional classroom environment. Through your life experience, you have essentially completed the same process, but in reverse. Keep this in mind as you answer the following question for each learning outcome.

  1. Examine how group dynamics, processes, and therapeutic aspects are cultivated and experienced within various group contexts.
  2. Demonstrate familiarity with different types of groups, including their formation, structure, function, power distribution, and member motivation.
  3. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of various leadership styles, activities, and techniques in different types of groups.
  4. Apply best practices, ethical guidelines, and biblical principles to group leadership.

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