Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Work Samples:Job Crafting

In your role as an I/O consultant, you’ve created a job analysis, performance appraisal, selection battery, and a training program for a chosen occupation. Now, you will complete a hypothetical job crafting exercise for that same occupation.

To get started, read, What is Job Crafting? (incl. 5 Examples and Exercises) (Links to an external site.) on the PositivePsychology website.

Using the job analysis you created in Module 2, complete a hypothetical job crafting exercise described in the article. Specifically, using the job you have identified and following the JD-R Model described:

  • Identify demands and resources.
  • Create an example Before Sketch that indicates an employee’s current state and how he/she is allocating their time and energy in performing the job.
  • Divide the job into three types of Task Blocks – large, medium, and small, depending on how much time and resources are spent on each.
  • Create an example After Diagram depicting the ideal situation.
  • Compare the Before Sketch and After Diagram.
  • Create an Action Plan consisting of short- and long-term goals to move from the current to the ideal situation with this job. Be specific.

Next, in your role as consultant, discuss the pros and cons of the practice of job crafting. How does this benefit the organization? The employees? What are the challenges and/or potential negative effects for each? Be specific.

Use this questionnaire The Job Crafting Questionnaire: A New Scale to Measure the Extent to Which Employees Engage inJob Crafting (semanticscholar) (Links to an external site.)to guide your development and analysis.

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