Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. You will be asked to write a proposal to a key stakeholder, of your choosing, debating one of 2 outcomes.

The tutor will give specific scenarios for each case study with 2 possible solutions. Each group will be required to represent one of the solutions.

The case has a core point, choosing Solution A or solution B

Choose one solution first, then provide rational and analysis

Argument Essay Structure:

1. intro: background+ dilemma + solution (100-150)

2. Rational+ analysis

a. provides some reasons why you agree this solution according to the importance.

b. analyzes the benefits of the solution

How analyze? Refer to the content of lecture (eg, some theory, Hofstede, leadership) and readings we studied in class (the attached file “lecture and readings”), you can also find other sources and referred it.

3. Critical thinking Consideration of rationale’s the opposing option may use during the debate and other supporting information including similar recent events.

4.. Conclusion (50-100 words)

5. Reference (APA 6th) when you use the content of reading, please also help me referred it.

Writing Homework Help

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