Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. One page response

Write a one page response to the guest lecture, answering one or more of the following general questions for each lecture:

What did you find most interesting about the lecture?

What did you learn? What was totally new to you?

What do you think the lecture had to do with communication, institutions and power?

Here is what the lecture about.

Two Approaches to Media Institutions

The Market Model

The Public Internet Model

Man tenets

Media are regular business like any other

Special kind of business tied up with Public Interest

Audiences treated as…



Funded by…


Mix of sources, incl, through taxes and state-subsidies

Role of the State (the government)

Minimal regulation

Creating legal environment favoring media business

The state (the government) has a special role AND responsibility to protect public interest via media

Forms of Media Ownership

Private only

Mix of public and private forms, incl gov. subsidized media and community media

Main proponents

Media owners and managers, media industry lobbyists, conservative politicians

Media theorists and activities university profs, reform groups, European media regulators

I have also attached the reading, please make a reference only about this reading, no others.

Please use simple words and grammar.

Writing Homework Help

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