Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Answer 20 questions from 2 chapters in a history course book, + 2 other questions (minimum 300 words each for the last two).

WOH2001: Final Assignment
Instructions: The final assignment is relatively straight forward. Answer the first
ten questions from chapters 10 and 11, along with the questions below. Answer
questions 3 and 4 in at least 300 words. Higher scoring assignments will
draw from the course materials.

1. Chapter 10 Questions (1-10)

2. Chapter 11 Questions (1-10)

3. Through the course of the semester, we have discussed various ancient
civilizations and some of the diverse ways they expressed themselves. Pick a
historical idea or document that you found interesting and explain how it has
furnished you with a new understanding of history and your place in local
and global history. Explain. [Answer in at least 300 words]

4. What does history mean to you? How can history play a role in developing a
more informed citizenry? Ultimately, how does history help individuals think
critically about present-day events and how these events are presented?
Elaborate. [Answer in at least 300 words]

*** The book was too large to attach here, so I will e-mail it if possible, I also believe it’s available online.

– WORLD History Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500

Writing Homework Help

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