Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Does Blackfish present a fair and convincing argument?

5 Pages Plus Annotated Bibliography

MLA Format, Hard Copy

Rough Draft: 11/1

Final Draft: 11/8

Does Blackfish present a fair and convincing argument? Using the film and two outside sources, make an argument about the film’s portrayal of Sea World and the treatment of animals. Notice that “fair” and “convincing” are two separate qualities…

I need a rough draft by Thursday as to what is going on. I need to have a draft by Thursday.


Blackfish Film.


https://skeptoid.com/blog/2014/04/23/blackfish-documentary-or-propaganda/ (Links to an external site.)

I need one more source relating to blackfish and the essay you are writing. Ex: an article.

Writing Homework Help

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