Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. What connections can you draw between how the British treated black people in Kenya and the Jim Crow laws of the American south?, English research paper help

Obama, his father and his grandfather all confront the problem of being black in a society dominated by a white power structure. Using the text and what you have learned from reading it closely, write an analysis of Dreams from My Father in which you contrast the life experiences of these three men. The flowing questions might help you get started:

a) What connections can you draw between how the British treated black people in Kenya and the Jim Crow laws of the American south?

b) Think carefully how Obama’s half-brothers and other relatives live their lives in Kenya and compare their experiences with those of the people Obama works with when he does community organizing work in Chicago. What is similar ? What is different?

c) All three men find different ways to cope with their situations. What approach does each of them take? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these Approaches?

d) What do you think Obama learns from his trip to Kenya that will influence his life when he returns to the U.S?

Research Paper Criteria:

Citations must follow the MLA documentation style

The works cited page must include a minimum of two books, one scholarly journal article, and three articles from newspapers, magazines, or others sources.

The paper must be 6 pages, not including works cited and title pages

Writing Homework Help

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