Writing Homework Help

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Your first assignment is an essay (900-1200 words) in which you tell a story or interrelated group of stories about your experiences using social media or on the world wide web. You should draw from your own personal experiences in this essay. Do not consult any outside sources, While you should use the book for inspiration, this essay isn’t meant to address McNeil explicitly. This is a narrative essay, so your essay should tell a story. Avoid exposition; that is, do not use a three-pronged thesis statement.

Narratives include dialogue, a storyline, characters, conflict, and an identifiable setting. Your narrative should include these elements. Given that the essays are for an academic audience, your essay should include a specific thesis statement somewhere in the opening paragraph. The rest of the essay should demonstrate or expand that thesis claim.

Note that this essay shouldn’t be a polemic. That is, please do not write about your opinions regarding social media. Instead, focus on your own experiences. Tell a story.

While the subject for your essay is up to you, I urge you to pick an experience that is fresh in your mind and one that you don’t mind sharing with an audience. However, as all memoir is a kind of useful fiction, you don’t have to remember every single detail. You may not remember the exact shirt you were wearing the day you found your long-lost twin on Facebook, but you remember what you were probably wearing. Use your imagination to fill in the gaps that memory doesn’t provide.

Many possible subjects present themselves:

  • Have you ever lost or made a friend on social media?
  • Has social media caused a scandal in your life or in the life of someone you know?
  • Has the internet or internet usage ever caused a problem in your life?
  • Has the internet or internet usage ever provided you with some good outcomes?
  • How has smartphone usage affected your life?

Please use MLA format to lay out your document. Use one-inch margins. Use Times New Roman font, sized at twelve point. Do not forget to put your last name and page number at the upper right-hand corner of each page (including page one).

Writing Homework Help

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