Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. essay, writing homework help



NativeSon – bassettusd.org


remainingprototypesofBigger,however,distinguishedthemselvesbythewayinwhichtheir antisocialbehaviorwaslinkedtotheirhatredofwhites.Thatbehaviormovedonaspectrum

I need in my Intro 20 sentences, quote about .. ”Native Son” and I want you to comment about it, I want the quote be in beginging of intro, and please follow the instruction, I want you to write the thesis statement at end of intro,

planing page

1-General topic :Fear

2-Narrowed topic :Theme of fear in Richard Wright’s Native son

3-three points related to the narrowed topic

a-fear among family members

b-Among friends

c-at job

4-do the map

5-thesis statement; The ”Native son ” uses the theme of fear to generate the message of the existence of among the family members ,among friends and at job

Topic outline

A-fear among family members

a.How is fear evident in families

b-What was the consequence

B- among friends

a.How is fear evident among friends

b,How did the friends suffer consequences

C.at job

a,How did fear occur at job

b.How fear affected job performance

do not use the words in the picture

Writing Homework Help

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