Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. What is Phenology

  • I have past examples that you can use, I also have the data and pictures that will be used for this essay.
  • Introduction that describes what phenology is. Give the scientific name of your plant. You can include a picture of your species here. Include a description of the life history of your plant (pattern of bud burst, flowering, seed production, dispersal, leaf fall, etc.).
  • Methods: Describe the method you used to collect data on your plant’s phenology. (how often, when were pictures taken, what did you record, etc., where did you get information on rainfall, temperature and degree-days*)
  • Results and Discussion: Include your graph which shows a line graph of temperature/rainfall/degree days on the y axis against days on the x axis. Use a different color line for each item. See the example graph in the phenology folder. Indicate on your graph with a bold line on the date that you observed a major phenological change (first color change, first leaf fall, 50% leaf fall or more, any change in flowering or seeds, or create your own category if your plant has some other factor.)
  • Discuss the relationship between phenological changes and their correlations with temperature change, rainfall change, degree day change. Discuss the effects that climate change may have on any of your plant’s phenological characteristics or the timing thereof. Include one reference which discusses the effect of climate change on phenology of any species of plant. How might this effect the insects or animals that rely on this plant for food, nesting, etc?
  • Project budburst website gives a good introduction to the principle of phenology.

Writing Homework Help

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