Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Answer 4 objective with 2 paragraph each. Due tonight please help.

Due TONIGHT t 11:55pm.! Please help me

Assignment #8 – Worth 45 points

Identify which of the following
objectives include all four elements
necessary for a complete objective; review those objectives that do not
include all the elements and rewrite them to include all four elements.
Think of it as WHO will learn WHAT by WHEN. The Outcome is what is
expected to happen. The CONDITION is how that will occur. The CRITERION
is can it be measured. and the POPULATION is who is learning.

is usually confusion on what Criterion is. For instance, if an
objective states that “After a lesson on condoms, the 90% Senior
students will be able to list the steps for using a condom correctly.”
is an objective. Think about it. Is that measurable? Yes, the students
are taught the lesson and then have to list the steps. This is a simple
objective but all the elements are there. The Criterion is to list the
steps on how to use a condom, the condition was the lesson, outcome is
how many will pass, and the population are seniors.

More information on the four elements can be found in your textbook. I have provided an example to help you get started.

NOTE: The four elements required for an objective are: Outcome, Conditions, Criterion, and Priority population.

Objective 1

The students know how a skinfold caliper works.

Objective 2

Given appropriate instruction, the employees will be able to accurately take blood pressure readings of fellow employees.

Objective 3

Program participants will be able to list the reasons why people do not exercise.

Objective 4

After the class on objective writing, the students will know the difference between a goal and an objective.

This assignment requires two complete paragraphs addressing each
objective. Include what elements are apparent and what they are for each
objective. If the objective does not include all the elements, revise
the objective to include the elements. Cite source in APA format at the
end of the assignment.

_____ Objective #1 addressed (10 points)

_____ Objective #2 addressed (10 points)

_____ Objective #3 addressed (10 points)

_____ Objective #4 addressed (10 points)

_____ APA format (5 points)

Points deducted for spelling and grammatical errors

Writing Homework Help

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