Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. • Designing depth interview 21 questions (introduction + 3 topics (each topic 7 questions) ) for Qualitative method research class

Research Question: How do public health students manage personal well-being during their MPH?

Goal: to Brainstorm/choose 3-4 topics for our interview guide

1- Introduction

2 -Warm up Question

3- Key Questions-Topic?

  • What is the purpose/focus?
  • How will this topic contribute to the research question?
  • Are the topics suitable for the research population?

Possible Topics Brainstorm

  • Wellbeing definition – warm up question
  • Physical wellbeing – workout
  • School/life balance
  • Methods of maintaining aspects of wellbeing
  • Mental health
  • Emotional health
  • Stress management
  • Hobbies – may be multiple categories
  • Work/school/life balance
  • Strategies for managing personal wellbeing + benefits
  • How + why does that help you?
  • Maintaining balance
  • Scheduling
  • Challenges


  • Barriers
  • RSPH support /resource for personal wellbeing
  • What did you do before Public health school vs. now?

3 -Closing Questions

  • What could improve

Writing Homework Help

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