Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Sport Psychology / Article Review Instructions

1. The topic: Each student must select and review 1 article from a professional refereed journal pertaining to the topics of motivation and/or arousal/anxiety in sport or sport performance. The written abstract should contain a summary of the main points of the article and a conclusion that includes your comments as to how the information will enhance your professional knowledge.

The main points of the review should include why the study was done (the purpose of the study), which if any theory is being tested, any pertinent information in the introduction or conclusion that relates back to class concepts covered, the main results of the study, and the main conclusions of the study.

The inclusion of your comments regarding how the information will enhance your professional knowledge is most important. You will need to relate the study and its information back to course content and to what you wish to do in your professional career.

2. Paper Length and Style: Your paper must be a maximum length of 5 pages, and it must be typed, 1 inch margins, and 12 point Times Roman font. The APA style is required, 3. You will need to turn in the full article with your paper

Writing Homework Help

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