Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Personal Analytical Narrative

background about me:

I was born and raised in the middle east. I moved to the US with my family in 2013. I am 24 years old.

if you need any info about me that help you with writing the paper tell me.


Essay #1: Personal Analytical Narrative: My Own K-12 Schooling in a Socioeconomic Context

In an essay of 2000 words (double spaced), students will analyze their educational upbringing,

using concepts learned in the course related to the context of their education. Students will examine

how issues of race and socioeconomic status or gender affected their own K-12 experience,

whether urban, suburban or rural. Five scholarly sources are required to build points of comparison

and contrast in analyzing educational opportunity in their communities and personal experience.

(Scholarly means an analytical essay or chapter from a peer-reviewed journal or from a

book. Scholarly websites end in .edu or .gov). Points will be deducted for a lack of scholarly research.

You may use any articles from our class. Potential topics you could discuss in your paper

if you have experiences that impacted your education or shaped you as a person.

Cultural background

Parents’ background

First generation

Immigration experiences

Socioeconomic status

Gender Roles

Sexual Orientation


Extracurricular activities – student government, music, dance, etc.


Involvement in Advanced Placement Courses, GATE, AVID, EOP, MESA

Involvement in your community, volunteer work, etc.


Private school

Public school

Demographics of your school and/or neighborhood



Obstacles you faced in education (in the United States or in another country)

What supported you in your K-12 education? (parents, coaches, teachers)

Great teachers you had

Bad teachers you had

Social climate of the school

Work that you did outside of school

Home life


grading rubric

Introduction: (10 points)

1. Has an inviting opening, drawing the reader into the essay.

2. Introduces the topic briefly.

3. Provides a strong sense of purpose – a thesis.

Supporting Paragraphs: (10 points)

4. Logically organizes information and fully develops thesis. Has strong paragraph development where the

first sentence of each paragraph is your “thesis” for that paragraph and the following sentences

correlate to that idea.

5. Has strong transitions to tie your ideas and paragraphs together. The last sentence of the previous

paragraph should correlate with the first sentence of your next paragraph. Start and end

paragraphs with your own words, no citations.

6. Summarizes the key points in a conclusion in the last paragraph of the essay and restates essay’s purpose

APA in Paper: (10 points)

7. Cites (author, year) when paraphrasing or rewording.

8. Cites (author, year, page #) when using direct quotes or exact wording.

9. Uses an APA block quote when citing 40 words or more (consecutively)

10. Cites every sentence that is not your own original idea.

11. Uses APA to cite sources correctly in reference page.

Research/Academic sources (20 points)

12. Has at least 5 academic sources.

13. Uses relevant and appropriate research sources to connect to their ideas.

Critical Thinking: (40 points)

14. Uses clear and specific examples that are connected to essay’s thesis

15. Ability to make effective connections between claims supported by appropriate evidence.

Grammar Errors: (10 points)

16. Does not use awkward or unclear wording

17. Avoids fragmented sentences

18. Be consistent with verb tenses – past versus present.

19. Spelling or editing errors

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