Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Application Writing Question


    Unit 5 Discussion BoardPart I: Please respond (at least 50 words) to the following scenario by Wednesday:Are crypto-currencies a better form of payment that some of the other options? Yes or no? Explain your reasoning.Part II: Return to the Discussion Board and Review the postings of your classmates and post a meaningful response to at least two postings.

  • Assignment


    Please read BitGold case study (see HBS Coursepack) and answer the following questions with substantive answers in a cohesive essay. Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length. Use proper grammar, spelling, citations, etc.1. BitGold’s IPO took place in Canada; however, as a global platform, BitGold aimed to appeal to users in developing countries around the world. Where should BitGold focus on acquiring users?2. How could BitGold continue to stay on the right side of the law?3. How could BitGold market its services to users and merchants, both in Canada and abroad?4. Given the uneven state of the regulatory environment in the United States with respect to bitcoin startups, how should BitGold organize its US expansion?
    Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all sources used. In addition to your 3 page (minimum) essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page. Click the assignment link to compare your work to the rubric before submitting it. Click the same link to submit your assignment.Points Possible: 50Due: Saturday at 11:59 p.m., EST


    Discussion Forum Week 5DQ: What can be implemented to increase the speed of Blockchain transactions?Type your initial post and peer replies in this Discussion Forum based on the assigned readings for the week. The initial post should contain a minimum of 500 words and it should be submitted no later than Wednesday before 11:59 pm EST. Also, two peer replies should contain a minimum of 200 words each and should be submitted no later than Saturday before 11:59 pm EST. The initial post is worth 20 points and the peer replies are worth 5 points each (10 points). The initial post should contain your summary of the assigned readings for this unit of study and the peer replies should be substantive responses to your classmates’ writings. Also, please look to the syllabus regarding the guidelines for initial posts and peer replies.


Submit a 5 page paper (APA style) describing the issue of Blockchain transaction speed: how can speed be increased and how will loyalty programs becomes more innovative?

Reflection Five (R5) is an essay assignment.

R5 is due by Saturday before 11:59 PM.

Requirements: Discussion | 10 pages, Double spaced

Writing Homework Help

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