Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Revised paper, need based on the comment and make some changes.

This is Essay 2.2 requirement. You have helped me with Essay 2.1, so this is an extension on the previous paper.

Complete a radical revision of your Essay 2.1 of 1200-3000 words (not including Works Cited), double spaced, following all Written Work Guidelines.

Step 1: Choose among your own ideas, and commentary from classmates and instructor to complete the revision plan. Use the new revision information to create your essay revision. Essay 2.2 must reshape, extend, complicate, or substantially clarify your ideas, structure, and/or organization – or relate your ideas to new things. You won’t just correct, touch up, or lightly copyedit.

Step 2: Include the following elements in your revision:

  • A balanced, clear argument with either Aristotelian or Rogerian organization
  • Your topic cannot change for the final draft.
  • Your introduction provides clear context and engages the reader
  • Include your enthymeme/thesis either at the end of your introduction (Aristotelian) or after acknowledging the other side’s points (Rogerian)
  • Use original topic sentences to begin each body paragraph (no questions or quotations/paraphrases)
  • In your body paragraphs, engage in conversation with your readers and sources, and treat them like people you are writing to, not just places to get facts or figures.
  • Use original topic sentences to begin each paragraph (no questions or quotations/paraphrases)
  • Include summary, paraphrase, and a limited number of quotations (or no quotations) from two or more sources in the Ecology of Place bibliography and up to three scholarly sources
  • Synthesize your sources
  • Use correctly cited summaries, paraphrases and quotations. Use MLA citation (Links to an external site.).
  • Correctly use Signal Phrases (Links to an external site.) to integrate each source into your paragraphs.
  • Use Transitions (Links to an external site.) between paragraphs to guide your reader through the essay. Remember you are writing an essay, not a series of notes or bullet points like an outline.
  • Include at least one counterargument and a well- supported refutation.
  • Your Conclusion should be developed over two paragraphs (not one). Take the time to fully develop an answer to your guiding question and consider the perspectives you have encountered before reaching your concluding ideas on the topic and explaining how your approach to this topic can bridge the differences between the two sides
  • Include a Works Cited list after your conclusion providing complete citations for all sources you used in the essay.
  • Be sure to use MLA citation (Links to an external site.) to for all your sources in all cases. You do not want to risk having your essay flagged for plagiarism review by the Canvas Vericite software.
  • Allowed Sources: You must use two or more sources from readings in our Ecology of Place bibliography, and up to five scholarly/library sources from the UO Knight Library databases, Links to an external site. or reliable scholarly internet sites.
  • If you have ideas for other scholarly sources like National Public Radio, BBC World News, or other sources please feel free to use your best judgment after evaluating them.

You must make significant noteworthy changes (to content, support, organization, style, voice, and/or grammar) from your first draft in order to earn a Complete grade on your final Essay 2.2.


In addition to meeting the above requirements, your essay must also meet the basic requirements of proficient college writing.

  • Turn in your Essay 2.2 and your Planning and Revision Worksheet (see modules) to their correct Canvas assignments
  • You must make significant noteworthy changes (to content, organization, style, voice, and/or grammar from your rough draft in order to earn a Complete grade on your final draft:
    • You will reshape, extend, complicate, or substantially clarify your ideas, structure, and/or organization – or relate your ideas to new things. You won’tjust correct, touch up, or lightly copyedit.
    • In order to be a revision, your second draft will be significantly – sometimes radically – different than your first draft, and will clearly respond to the community’s assessments.
    • Proofreading & Editing. When the job is a final draft, your work should be well proofread – that is, you must spend significant time in your labor process to look just at spelling and grammar and correct the errors. It’s fine to get help in proofreading.
  • Essay meets length, content, and citation requirements.
  • All work is your own and created uniquely for this course. Plagiarism, has been avoided through the proper use of signal phrases, citations, and summary, paraphrase, and quotation.

Writing Homework Help

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