Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ENG 2205 Journal Entry #1 on the Book of Job or The Epic of Gilgamesh

For this entry, choose either to write about either the Epic of Gilgamesh,or The Book of Job. The theme must be specific. There must be one central theme or motif discussed in the journal. Focus on analyzing and decoding symbolism found in the diction of the literary work, as you interpret the work in connection to a theme or motif when citing. This paragraph must be in complete sentences. The journal should be at least one complete paragraph to five paragraphs that are at least five to six sentences in length. There must be a topic sentence, background context, a claim, a citation from the work, an analysis of how the citation proves your claim, and a conclusion sentence that summarizes the main point of the paragraph. Evaluate how the quote proves your point specifically by re-quoting specific phrases as you interpret them by focusing on symbolic representations found through literary devices like mood, tone, metaphors, personification, similes, setting, plot, characterization, etc. Review literary devices for interpretation of the work in connection to a central theme. Only quote or paraphrase one sentence per citation. Add in examples and illustrations to prove your ideas from the text. Any point discussed in the journal from the plot has to be cited. If you write five paragraphs, there should be a thesis in the introductory paragraph. All paragraphs should connect only to the thesis. To cite an epic poem follow this guideline:

MLA. Cite the epic in-text by writing the author’s last name in parentheses. After the author’s name, write the number of the book from which you drew the information, a period, and the line number you’re citing. For Gilgamesh with no known author just cite the lines of the poem as follows: (lines). For the Book of Job, cite as follows: (Job. 2.6-8).

The Epic of Gilgamesh:

From your point of view after reviewing the scholarly debate over the classification of the earliest documented story’s possible genres, can the literary work be considered and classified as a “myth” or a “legend”? How would you best classify the genre? Explain your perspective with evidence from the work.

Is Gilgamesh truly an epic hero by definition based on the seven traits of defining the epic hero, or can Gilgamesh be seen as an anti-hero? For instance, Gilgamesh lacks courage at first to kill Humbaba and it takes Enkidu’s assistance to become the valiant hero that he is best recognized for being. Can his qualities of strength, resilience, bravery, and prowess in battle outweigh the arrogance and pride attributed to him at the beginning and at the end to the downfall of this character?

The Book of Job:

How does the book of Job serve as both a book of poetry and a book of wisdom? Compare and contrast an interpretation of Job as one of the five books of poetry in the Old Testament to one of the three books of wisdom. Focus on important literary devices reflecting symbolic diction and various modes of reasoning to interconnect these genres into one main ideal reflected by the book.

What is the most important moral lesson we learn from Job’s tribulation from Shadai that can be foreseen at the beginning and found at the end of the book? Analyze themes and thematic patterns found throughout the book focusing on the importance of one particular theme in connection to the central theme at the end of the book to prove your point.

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