Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Comm 171 ES

I have basically completed this paper, but the two parts “Theoretical orientation” and “Justification” need to be completed again because I did not complete it as required.

Especially these two points:

—Explain the broader significance that can be drawn from the specific case you have described. This is a space to demonstrate your engagement with course concepts, so please make sure you draw upon course authors in this section. But I didn’t complete it as required)

—Justification-Explain and justify why you think the media object that you created is an effective way to communicate the case you have researched. (Zine is the media object I created)

This link contains all the course reading materials, my papers that need to be revised, the media object, and the teacher’s comment for my draft.

Readings https://we.tl/t-jXBXYn6yPd

Writing Homework Help

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