Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Anthropology 1 – Easy but read carefully , 1 assignment but it’s split 3 paper

Please write the first installment of your autoethnography

.Please read the assignment carefully.

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this is 1 assignment but you need to split to 3 and write 3 different part NOT 1 PAPER !

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Please post HERE only part 1 of this 3-part assignment

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Student 1 – Azusena ( reply 200 words around )

Part One

When I was born, they named me Azucena Moya because of the uniqueness, and not many have that name. Being born, I became the middle child of the family. My sister was welcoming, excited about having a sister, while my younger brother wasn’t entirely happy that I was taking our parents’ attention. A story we love sharing with my parents was when I was one year old; my brother would tell my mom at the age of 6,” Wow, she’s so pretty,” and once my mom went to check on the food in the kitchen my brother had to bite my hand and I would cry. At the age of 5, I was not too fond of school. On the first day of school, I cried the whole way because I wouldn’t know anyone there. I was a timid kid and talked to people I didn’t know was out of my comfort zone. When my mom dragged me out of the car, I was late to class, so I entered with my mom, and I looked around the course with a lot of kids my age, and I started to cry again, so the teacher Mrs.Gariado, let me stay in the carpet until I was comfortable to join the class. I waited until a few minutes when I saw the kids drawing, and soon I got up and joined them in drawing for our first assignment. I sat in an empty chair at the back so that the teacher wouldn’t call me. I ended up drawing a turtle because it was the easiest to draw. At the age of 8, I became very talkative, and I made friends since kindergarten. I had three best friends named Helen, Alicia, and Diana, who would always wear a uniform while I would wear regular clothes every day. I would spend most of my time making jokes and playing handball during recess. This year I had Mr.Umańa, he was my favorite teacher, and he made class super fun, especially having a science lab where we dissected a frog.
At age 9, I learned how to quilt and performed a Christmas dance for our annual assembly. I love dancing and decided that I wanted to be in the front when others didn’t want to. I would search through the audience and finding my mom and her best friend smiling at us when performing. At home, I made friends with my mom’s best friend daughters named Georgina and Brianna. I didn’t play dolls with my sister because she was older than me and had stopped playing, so I would play with Georgina and Briana. They would always come to my house, and we would play so many different games. I would wear my hair in a low tight ponytail because my hair was naturally curly and is thick that it would turn into a knot having it lose. I wouldn’t say I liked dealing with my troublesome hair that I wish I had straight hair.

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this is 1 assignment but you need to split to 3 and write 3 different part , NOT 1 PAPER !!!!

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Please post HERE only part 2 of this 3-part assignment

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Student 2 – Natasha ( reply 200 words around )

Part 2

During this phase of my life, I was a dancer. Back then I imagined to be dancing forever, as a career and even when I was older. I danced every day after school from elementary till my junior year at the age of 17, and occasionally my senior year of highschool. At age 10, I began dancing competitively. Every single weekend of my life I was travelling to different competitions with my dance studio. This was definitely a huge part of my life, and definitely, a trait that carried into my perspectives on work ethic and success. My studio was elite, we won almost everything. Dancing was not only my passion and a way to disconnect from the hardships occurring in my life, but also something I was really talented at. This led to me being signed by Movement Talent Agency, a professional and prestigious dance agency, at the age of 15 and remained throughout up until me quitting dance as a whole at ages 17. Quitting dance made me feel lost, I did not know what I was meant to do anymore considering that this is what I envisioned myself doing for my entire life. Till this day, I still struggle with my direction in life.

My freshman year of high school, age 14, was the one year that things took a turn for a little bit of the worst. I was always considered a popular girl throughout all phases of my school life. Freshman year I went to El Camino Real Charter High School, and going there is my biggest regret till this day. I was friends with girls that were not only rude but just vicious. These girls who were my friends turned on me because I wasn’t one to be bossed around and treated like a doormat. In turn, I got bullied to no end. Rumors that were not even close to true were spread about me to a school full of 4,000 kids. Everyone would make fun of me for these rumors, and the worst part was that they were not even true. They would bring megaphones and make fun of me through megaphones at nutrition and lunch, tape pictures of my face going from the name Natasha then labeling it with “Natrasha” on trash cans throughout the school, and a lot more. This resulted in me not showing up for class, as every day was literal hell. Thankfully, I switched schools the following semester and went to Calabasas High School, where I finished the best years of my life. I wish I made that switch earlier.

Now following my 3 and a half years at Calabasas High School. I would say my life was a movie, for good and for bad. My high school experience was fun. My friend group had all the parties, and it is safe to say that drugs and alcohol definitely played a role in my life. Alcohol was the go-to for kids there, and people went crazy. I loved my friends in high school, and it is safe to say that this last phase of my life was great, and I wouldn’t change anything about it.

this is 1 assignment but you need to split to 3 and write 3 different part NOT 1 PAPER !

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Please post HERE only part 3 of this 3-part assignment

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Student 3 – Sandy ( reply 200 words around )

Hello class,

Hope all is well. Here is my AUTOETHNOGRAPHY Part 3.

When planning my future endeavors there were expectations set, but never enforced and pressured onto me. My parents both understand that although money is an important factor and essential to survival, my parents have made it clear that they only care about our happiness. One way I may say that there was conflict between my future and my parents is when my older sister chose the path of becoming a lawyer which is great, but it definitely set a boundary onto what the rest of our parents 3 children should head towards. But as they made it clear that it is okay for us to pick a career that will make us happy, it isn’t a problem. It did apply pressure, but never true conflict. However, as of now, thinking about my parents’ history such as huddles, their hopes, values, and beliefs have had an impact. For example, my step-father, mother, and grandmother have made it clear to us of their racism. It’s a shame that such beliefs of theirs exist and went unnoticed our whole lives, mine, my two sisters and brothers. We were all confused and it affected us because we couldn’t have an actual sit-down and educated discussion regarding the topic of racism and without our guardians constantly generalizing and speaking upon personal experiences and basing them off their whole beliefs which is unfortunate because it leaves minor room for my siblings and I to explain. It has affected the way we view their ideas and beliefs in a way where, whenever they state an opinion regarding race, it is always bias and never fair, so therefore, there’s no true meaning to their opinions regarding racism. I wish it wasn’t that way. However, my mother has placed effort to change the way she views racism and is beginning to realize that us as low-income and underserved Latinos are the same to those being discriminated against, including herself, she realizes she has no reason to act in such rude manners to anyone in the same position and it makes me happy to finally see her come into realization.

From ages 18 to now, the year 2020 was the first year where our economic position hit rock bottom. As many other families, ours was impacted by Covid-19 and it became difficult to maintain our everyday habits of eating as we please. My parents began getting food from schools, where as they provide breakfast and lunch. However, as of today, 22 of November, our financial status has improved with the help of my sister and I’s efforts to pay bills with her work money and my FAFSA. On a lighter note sports are playing a major role to our entertainment such as the NBA finals in which were a great pass time to watch. I’ve even gotten more into Spanish music in which I’ve never thought I would see myself listening to Latin trap and Reggaetón. Although specific words sound much more vulgar in Spanish, it’s still sounds beautiful.

The moods of recent days and months have been extremely sad and anxious. A recent incident occurred in which a former high-school peer went missing. The search for Juan Hernandez has been on for a month or two, it even made the news. He went missing in the area I live in, in South Central, Western, to be specific. However, unfortunately, his body was found dug in a grave. This is a major loss to the Foshay Learning Center volley ball, SRLA, and robotics team, as well as the USC community as he was actively involved in extracurriculars with a bubbly, funny, and positive personality. It angers me how such an innocent soul can be taken by evil individuals with no sense of care and no sense of positive outlooks. It’s senseless and unfortunate. Our family have dedicated our future endeavors and holiday celebrations and gatherings to the beautiful soul of Juan Hernandez.

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