Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. How Should We Combat and Prepare for Future Epidemics & Pandemics to Save More Lives

  • How Should We Combat and Prepare for Future Epidemics & Pandemics to Save More Lives?Write an 6-8 page ( excluding cover page, abstract, footnotes and references) paper about an interdisciplinary (Psychology and sociology) human services research question of your choosing. Your research has to be based on at least 2 disciplines.
    Required Components for final paper
    • Cover page
    • Abstract (200-300 words)
    • Introduction (0.5-1 page)
      • Overview of the issue you are examining
      • Overview of what your paper will cover and how this will be accomplished
      • The interdisciplinary research question.

    Body of paper

    • A. The multidisciplinary issue (1-2 pages)
      • History of the issue
      • Challenge posed by the issue
      • How the issue impacts society
    • B. Literature review (3-4 pages)
      • Overview/summary/key findings of each disciplinary theory and /or explanation
      • Relevance of each disciplinary theory/ explanation to the issue
      • Critique of the relevant disciplinary findings/research
      • Cohesive summary of all relevant findings (interdisciplinary approach)
    • C. Recommendations (1-2pages)
      • What can be learned from your research?
        • Recommendations
        • To whom or what are the recommendations relevant and why
    • Conclusion (0.5 page)
      • Recap the importance of your topic (no new information)
      • Was your thesis statement supported or not by the research
      • Conclusions based on your research
    • Reference list (minimum of 6 references )
    • All submissions require a cover page, author, page numbers, section headings, and other basic information.
    • Needs to be formatted using APA guidelines (12 pt font, double spaced, 1”margins)
    • Use academic writing guidelines.
    • Includes appropriate references and quotations in APA style
    • You will need to use information you have gathered outside the required readings in the class.

Writing Homework Help

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