Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Develop an instructional lesson or teaching plan

✅ ✅ In this assignment, you will assume the role of a nurse educator in either an academic or a nursing professional development setting to determine a hypothetical target audience in order to develop an instructional lesson or teaching plan. The target audience will be learners within an academic setting or a healthcare setting (patients are not an appropriate target audience). The plan will include development of measurable learning outcomes/objectives for the target audience; a topical outline of the content to be presented; development of appropriate instructional methods, and development of evaluation methods appropriate for the topic.

Assignment Overview

Imagine that you are a nurse educator in either an academic or a nursing professional development context. Consider who your hypothetical target audience would include, the learning that would be necessary, and a hypothetical lesson that you would teach.

Once you determine this information, you will prepare for the development of an instructional lesson by considering the characteristics and unique needs of the target audience, as well as specific learning objectives, instructional methods, learning resources and methods for evaluation of the learning that has been accomplished.

Note: The and the Course Toolbox have resources available that may assist you with this assignment.

Preparing the paper

This assignment will be submitted to the faculty member using the template provided. The teaching plan is to include the following information:

  • Target audience
  • Lesson title and purpose
  • Lesson-specific learning objectives
  • Topical outline
  • Instructional methods
  • Learning resources
  • Evaluation methods

Assignment Instructions

  • Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
  • A minimum of four scholarly nursing references related to either the instructional methods or instructional resources are to be included in the teaching plan.
  • Format for references within the teaching plan as well as the reference page are to be completely consistent with APA format, current edition
  • Use an economy of words to complete the Week 4 Assignment.
  • Use correct spelling, word usage, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure, congruent with graduate-level writing.
  • No direct quotes may be used in this assignment.

Writing Homework Help

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