Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. SOCI 4499 Senior Seminar

Detailed Instructions Theoretical Research Paper

Choose a contemporary social problem and frame it as a question: for example, what sociological theories explain the current rates of recidivism in the U.S? Then select three sociological theories from which to examine your question. You may choose theories from the Sociological Theories List, or other sociological theories. Please do not use Functionalism, Conflict Theory, or Symbolic Interaction theories as these sociological frameworks are too broad for this assignment. You must thoroughly engage the theories through your question. You must use at least twelvescholarly resources which may include previous course readings, peer-reviewed journal articles, and academic books. Blog posts, professor’s lecture material and websites (including “research starter,dictionary.com, or encyclopedia entries, for ex. Salem Press)do not count as scholarly resources. You must use at least one additional source that relates to the social problem, such as the CDC, Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, or other source from a professional organization. You must do a significant amount of research on the theorists you draw from and the substantive question you are examining. You must submit your question to me for approval byAugust 27. Your question may not be approved the first time you send it, so please look for my response, which may require you to revise your question. Failure to have your question approved by me in advance will result in a tenpoint reduction of your grade on the paper. The paper needs to be a word document, not a PDF,at least 12 full pages long,not including references or title page,double spaced, 1inch margins,12 pt font, using ASA style. Number the pages. You may only have one direct quotation in your paper. You must submit your paper by 8:00 pm December 3 via the Theoretical Paper Submission Folder in D2L where it will be subjected to plagiarism detection software. The paper must be original work, not previously submitted in any other class either at KSU or at any institution. Please adhere to the KSU code of conduct regarding plagiarism: http://scai.kennesaw.edu/students/general-info/che…Instances of suspected plagiarism will be referred to the Department of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. There is a 10-point penalty for each day (24hour period) the paper is submitted late.No late papers will be accepted after December 6.Your theoretical paper is worth 35% of your grade and should include the following:

1. A separate title page (this does not count as one of the 12pages). Your title page should include the title of your paper, your name, course information, and date (an abstract is not required).

2.An introduction (1/2 – 1 page). In the introduction you should provide a brief overview of the social problem, with a brief explanation of why it is important. This is a good place for you to introduce some basic statistics about the prevalence of the social problem. You should end this section by stating the purpose of your paper. For example, This paper will analyze the issue of recidivism in the U.S. from the perspective of three sociological theories: ecological systems theory, social closure theory and social learning theory.” (5 points)

3. A discussion of the social problem (minimum 2 pages.)In this section you should thoroughly discuss the social issue, utilizing up-to-date official statistics and/or scholarly sources to illustrate the prevalence of the issue and the demographics of those it affects. Consider the history of the issue and trends over time. Make sure you address what makes this issue important.In this section you should include a minimum of one source from a professional organization and three scholarly sources.(20 points)

4. A discussion of the three sociological theories (minimum 4 pages).In this section you should fully describe each of the three theories. You should include a brief history of the development of the theory and the major theoristsassociated with this theory. In this section you should include a minimum of six scholarly sources, two for each theory.(30 points)

5.A discussion which applies each sociological theory to the social problem(minimum 4 pages). Thoroughly discuss the manner in which each theory explains the existence of the social problem. In this section you should include a minimum of three scholarly sources, one for each theory. These sources should be different than those used in the theorysection above. (30 points)

6. A conclusion (1 page).In your conclusion, you should summarize the main points discussed in the previous sectionsand end with a concluding paragraph. (7 points)

7.A reference page (this does not count as one of the 12pages). Your reference page should include all of the sources that you cited in the text of your paper. You need to citeall sourcesin the text and in the reference list according to ASA style guidelines. (8 points for proper style; failure to list your references will result in an F on the paper. Including references in the reference page that have not been cited in the paper is a form of plagiarism).

Points will be deducted from your paper for the following:

Failure to receive advance approval for your question – 10 points

Lack of appropriate sources – 10 points for each source under 12

Paper length – 10 points for each page under 12

Poor spelling, grammar and writing style 10– 20 points

Excessive quotations– 10 – 20 points

Writing Homework Help

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