Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. UON World Literature Tartuffe Play Analysis Romantic Involvement Discussion

Respond to each of the following by writing an answer of eighty words or less. Refer only to texts we have read for this course. Any quotation must come from our textbook. Make your answers as meaningful as you can. Each response is worth a maximum of ten points.

1.Contrast the situations of Mariane in Tartuffe and Anya in The Cherry Orchard.

2.Compare and contrast modern life as seen in “Sealed Off” and the Baudelaire poems we have read.

3.Contrast the depictions of slavery in Candide and “The Rod of Justice.”

4.Contrast the authors’ responses to city life in A Modest Proposal and “Tintern Abbey.”

5.Contrast the ideas of beauty expressed in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and the Dickinson poems we have read (especially #449).

6.Contrast the needs for a room of one’s own as described by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and Virginia Woolf.

7.Discuss the artificial qualities of “The Garden of Forking Paths” and “Sealed Off” and how artifice relates to the meaning of each story.

8.Contrast the hypocrisy in Tartuffe and Baudelaire’s “To the Reader.”

9.Compare Dr. Yu Tsun in Borges and the ancient mariner in Coleridge.

10.Compare and contrast the cherry orchard in The Cherry Orchard to “these beauteous forms” in “Tintern Abbey.”

Writing Homework Help

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