Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. HIST 1302 Brookhaven College What Have You Learned This Semester Essay


Your response to the question must be typed—twelve point font, double-spaced,
one-inch margins.

In writing your answer, please do not exceed five pages.

In your response, use your assigned text(s), the instructor’s handouts, class notes
taken from discussions, and any other SCHOLARLY sources you may want.

Your generalizations must be supported by direct citations from the text, class
notes, or instructor’s handouts.

Citations should be made in MLA format. For readings, class notes or presentations, you might use: (Zinn, 26) or (Loewen, 3) or (class notes) or (Powerpoint,
Cold War).

I have attached my 2 essays, you can use those materials to get the ideas for this essay. I also attached a sample essay, however, it is the sample which provided by teacher, so do not steal the ideal from the sample.

Also include information: (link book in attached file)

– World war II from the book chapter 16, “A People’s War?” from Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States

– Cold war from chapter 8, “Watching Big Brother,” from Lies My Teacher Told Me

– Vietnam war from “The Impossible Victory,” from A People’s History

Writing Homework Help

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