Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Grossmont College Week 5 Climate Change Opinion Based Letter

I’m working on a English exercise and need support.

For this project you will first read an opinion based text (you can also watch a video or listen to audio). Next, you will respond to what that person/group has said by writing a letter. Your letter will seek to persuade the person/group that you are responding to. By persuade, I mean that you must present an idea of your own and demonstrate why that particular audience should accept it.

Your stances do not have to be political and contrary, like King. Jr.’s; you may want to write a letter that is either civic minded or business minded. What you must do though, is find something specific to respond to. Because of this, your letter will need to be accompanied by a “statement” of sorts that you are addressing, and a personal reflection that explains the rhetorical strategies you use in your letter.

Writing Homework Help

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