Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. PCC The Authors Inspirations Malcolm X & Sherman Alexie Practices Essay

Introduction: This essay will ask you to make a judgement about what you believe are some of the most important social and historical forces that impacted two or more authors we have read about in this unit.

Thesis: Develop an argumentative thesis that requires you to take a position on the topic.

Evidence: Cite sources using quotation marks and including authors first and last name/ or title of source the first time you mention it as well as the page number of the evidence you are citing in (parentheses).

Structure: Think about most impactful way you can make a point in your essay. To a large extent, the structure of the essay depends on your sources and thesis statement.Try to develop strong topic sentences that support rather than repeat your thesis. Please do not start paragraphs with evidence/quotes. Make sure to spend time analyzing/interpetating your evidence and explaining what the evidence you have selected means and why it matters.

Writing Homework Help

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