Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. LAVC Child Development Alex & Josh and The Firefighter Analysis

Video One ( Alex/Josh and the firefighter): 

1. What did you notice about the teacher’s body posture throughout the video?  Was her body posture a positive or negative thing in dealing with this conflict?  Why?  ( Be specific)   2 pts

2. What did you notice about the teachers use of verbal language and her tone of voice?  List three  specific examples.    3 points

3.  What types of guidance techniques ( see text and hand outs) did this teacher use with the boys?  List three and explain why she used them.   3 points

4.  What was each child’s overall response to her guidance and presence?    2 points

Video Two  ( Julia/Alex on the Carpet with Teacher)

1.  How did the teacher respond when the girls first started arguing?   Describe the teacher’s body posture throughout the video.    2 points

2.  How did the teacher act as a facilitator to the girl’s problem?  What guidance techniques did she use?    Was her language appropriate for helping the girls? Why or why not?    3 points

3.  The girls decide on the “solution box”.  What did you think of the things inside of the box?  Why do you suppose they were in that box?  How do you think the teacher had introduced this box at the beginning of the class semester to the children?     3 points

Video Three ( It’s my blanket)

1. There were many arguments going on during this video.  Describe the teacher’s body posture, language, tone of voice and demeanor throughout the conflicts.    3 points

2. How did the teacher stop children from hurting each other?  Be specific.  2 points

3. List the video’s points to solving conflicts.  2 points

4.  Describe the children’s response to the teacher. Give two examples.   2 points

Video Four ( I was here first)

1.  How did the teacher respond to the first argument ( language and body posture)?  Why do you think she was touching the young boy?    2 points

2.  What communication technique did the teacher use to help the children understand each other’s point of view?      2 points

3.  What were the guidance techniques suggested in this video?  2 points

4. How did the second teacher engage the children into helping solve the ” having enough room” problem?     2 points

Compare and Contrast – 10 points

1.  Which teacher’s style  ( video 1, 2 3 or 4) in handling guidance and discipline did you prefer?  List three reasons.    Was there any video about guidance and techniques that you did not feel comfortable with?  Explain.

2. What did you think the general relationship was between each of the teacher’s and the children they were helping?   You should have a sentence about each teacher and what your thoughts were on their relationships and why.


Writing Homework Help

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