Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. EDU 262 PCC Pitfalls in Giving Performance Reviews Discussion

For this discussion, list the 5 major pitfalls in giving performance reviews, as detailed in Chapter 5. For each pitfall, describe 1 way to avoid that mistake.


by Angela Figgs – Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 6:55 PMNumber of replies: 2

1. Setting unrealistic expectation. To avoid unrealistic expectation from my employees, I would have a performance review sheet wrote out at the beginning of the interview, so that I as the supervisor and the employee can go over together. The employee and I will discuss what I as a supervisor would expect from him or her with a clear understanding.

2. Pitfall is little or no follow. To avoid a pitfall I will keep a record from the beginning to the end of my employees of their performance. That way as time pass we both the employee and I can always take look at what have improved and what still need work.

3. Pitfall relates to simple communication. To avoid a pitfall related to communication. I will always let my employees know that we can talk about any concern when one arises in private if needed. I will make sure that my employees know that I have their backs and I’m their with them all the way.

4. Pitfall is giving unbalanced/ biased feedback. To avoid giving unbalanced or bias feedback. I will make every attention to get to know my employees. That way when an issue arises I will know the person for whom he or she is. By having a good open communication with my employees on daily basic.

5. Pitfall is lack of uniform criteria or standards of performance. To avoid a employee not standing up to the standard performance of the job duties, I would have a job duties sheet available for each employee at the beginning of the interview so the he or she will know what the criteria of the job takes and the standards that I expect as the supervisor expect. I will get feed back from the employee to see if there any concern that we need to discuss, because at the end of the of the day as the supervisor I have to do what’s in the best interest of the children.


by Kimberly Beach – Saturday, October 30, 2021, 1:38 PMNumber of replies: 2

1. Setting unrealistic expectations regarding promotion, pay, bonus possibilities, job moves, or future assignments. When people get hire at a job, those are the words that they want to hear. If those words is or isn’t apart of the conversation they need to be spoken. I would be upfront honest with the employees about them expecting a job move in this amount of time. Pay raise and bonus after this amount of time. Promotion or future assignment after this time. It’s not a time limit on when, where, or how.

2. Little to no follow up-most employees approach performance reviews to improve and advance their careers. Both the supervisor and employer both need to look back on their performance to better themselves. It’s better for the supervisor to follow up on his or her own assignment from the performance review.

3. Simple communication–those giving performance reviews often just don’t communicate well. I always say IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY, IT’S HOW YOU SAY IT. Having that place where you and your staff can go talk about things in a neutral environment would be great.

4. Giving unbalanced and biased feedback–often supervisors judge or rate performance based on perception. Sometimes we allow first impressions to stick with us. When it comes performance and evaluation we have that first impression still in our mind and it affect our decisions. We need to get the chance to know our employees and their job performance before judging them. It allows better communication with the two of them.

5. Lack of uniform criteria are too general. Supervisors have to lead by example and we except our employees to follow the same criteria.


by Tresi Ruffin – Friday, October 29, 2021, 2:04 PMNumber of replies: 2

1. Setting unrealistic expectation: to avoid unrealistic expectations an expectation list will be set first. I would make sure the expectations are ones that could be expected of me. I would not do an expectation list if I’m not comfortable doing what is expected. During the interview we will discuss the expectations and make sure we have a good understanding of what is expected.

2. Little or no follow-up: I will make a time that I would follow up on employee performances. This could be weekly bi-weekly or monthly. I would make sure they are following what is expected of them as employees. Records will be kept through out the duration of their work schedule, so that both the employee and I can track and see the progress or see what needs to be worked on.

3. Relates to simple communication: I would let the employees know from the beginning that communication is the most efficient way to stay connected and to fully understand what is going on. If there is ever an issue please bring it to the supervisor before it gets out of hand. Communication involves listening as well as speaking. We have to be open to listening not just talking always.

4. Giving unbalanced and bias feedback: I would be sure to not judge them by what I see during the interview but what is shown during work hours. I will make sure the interview is in depth as far as the employee answers to the questions asked. I will work to get to know and understand my employee. We will have daily conversations so I can better understand my employee and they can better understand me to allow us to be on the same page while working together.

5. Lack of uniform criteria or standards of performances. I would dress appropriate at work to lead by example. I would make sure while I’m at work I am focusing on my job. As a head the team tends to follow the lead. So to help make sure we don’t lack in this department I will do my part as a head because the body is watching

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