Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ENC 3250 University of South Florida Nathan Elders PAD Analysis Paper

The exercise helps you get started on drafting professional
correspondence by writing one of the three correspondences you will
create for the Document Series Project.

You have read the Document Series Project description. Each scenario
in the description asks you to write three correspondences. Select the
scenario you would like to work with. For this exercise, you will draft
one of the three correspondences associated with the scenario you have
chosen. You can select which correspondence to draft.

First, you will do a PAD analysis of the correspondence, then you
will select the genre in which you want to write based on your
assessment of purpose and audience (i.e., letter, email, or memo).
Finally, you will draft the correspondence.

The process you undertake here–beginning with the PAD analysis,
selecting genre, and drafting–should be repeated for the other two
correspondences you will draft on your own as you complete the Document
Series Project.


Pre-Writing: Perform a PAD analysis (Purpose, Audience, and Design) of your chosen correspondence by answering the following questions:

  • What’s your purpose? More than just the stated purpose? What’s the goal, the desired outcome?
  • Who’s your audience? More than just a name, what’s their stake in
    the situation? How are they disposed toward your correspondence? Are
    they an internal or external audience? What’s the power dynamic between
    you? What level of formality do they expect? What tone is appropriate?
  • What design will be most effective? Think about genre (i.e., letter,
    email, or memo). What genre is most appropriate. Think about style and
    format and length. Think about structure and organization. Consider the
    expectation of your audience and the purpose of the correspondence.


Drafting: After you have done your PAD analysis, draft the correspondence and submit it here, along with your PAD analysis.

Writing Homework Help

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