Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Liberty University Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change Book Review

I don’t have a way to get you the book but there is enough info online to utilize.

Book Review On: Arloski, M. (2014). Wellness coaching for lasting lifestyle change (2nd ed.). Duluth, MN

4-MAT Book Review Assignment Instructions


You are reading different textbooks in this course and learning from the various authors about health and wellness coaching. The knowledge and skills described in the books are essential for people to grow, and thrive in the health and wellness field. It is important to engage in critical thinking when reading any book to make a wise determination of the author’s worldview and the potential benefits of the book content for your personal growth and health and wellness coaching.


Two 4-MAT book reviews will be completed during this course. The first 4-MAT book review will cover the Dunlop text and the second book review will cover the Arloski text.

The 4-MAT book review must be 4 full pages (excluding title and reference page) and include the following four sections with a minimum of one full page in each one of the four sections: 

  • Summary (1 page)
  • Concrete Response (1 page)
    • You must include a specific and detailed example from your life. 
    • Connect your example with the textbook. The example may serve to confirm a concept in the book.
  • Reflection with Insight (1 page)
    • Raise insightful questions and/or present some disagreements with the author’s perspective or worldview. 
    • Compare and contrast the book with a Christian worldview. Do you agree with the authors’ worldview?
  • Application (1 page)

Summarize the author’s key points in one full page.

Write a thoughtful critique of the book.

Discuss practical and specific application to you as a life coach 

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