Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Religion paper

Explain a contemporary issue where science/reason/logic conflicts with a religion/belief system/superstition.

Your paper will be the basis for a speech, and may follow this structure:

  1. Introduction, including a single sentence thesis
  2. Explain the contemporary issue as it is currently understood.
  3. Show the problem with the epistemological framework that is used to understand the issue in step 2.
  4. Show how the issue could be understood using the different epistemological framework, and how that would resolve the issues in step 3.
  5. Conclusion, where you restate your thesis and end the paper.

Possible topic areas include but are limited to:

  • Places where science disagrees with religion
  • Things science cannot explain, but tries and fails to do so
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Popular controversies based on faith.

Expository/analytical writing serves as a transition for students to develop more formal elements of academic writing: the thesis statement, topic sentences, organization, specific examples to support one’s thesis, etc. These formal elements may be expressed in one or more of the following rhetorical modes: cause and effect, process analysis, definition, position, or evaluation. The essay will be 1000-1500 words, double-spaced in 12pt font, have a clear thesis, introduction, body, citations, and conclusion, with a separate reference page. Support your descriptions with examples and quotations using APA 6th Edition style (for both format and citations). The essay will be graded with the DOL Written Communication Grading Rubric.


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