Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Discrimination Religious Beliefs and Equal Employment Opportunity Paper

The discussion of Equal Employment Opportunity and submit a one to two-paragraph response to each of the scenarios,

EEO Compliance Exercise – Scenario 1

An employee joins the Seventh-Day Adventists. One of the employee’s religious beliefs is that he cannot work between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday. He is assigned to work that time period frequently. The employee requests a shift that allows him to work Monday through Friday. The supervisor tells the employee that he will be terminated if he cannot work his regular shift.

Scenario 2

An employee over the age of forty was laid off as a result of a reduction in force. The reduction criteria used to select employees for layoff was based on seniority, performance, and years of experience. The criteria were uniformly applied to all employees subject to layoff.

Scenario 3

A U. S. citizen who had emigrated from another country applies for a position as an Information Coordinator. Although he is otherwise the most qualified applicant based on job-related, objective, measurable criteria, the hiring official rejects him because of his accent.

Scenario 4

Anwar, who was born in Egypt, applies for a position as a security guard with your organization, which contracts to provide security services at government office buildings. Can your organization require Anwar to undergo a background investigation before he is hired?

Writing Homework Help

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