Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Performance Expectations & Controls on Personal Goal Essay

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Create a document for performance expectations and controls related to a personal or professional goal (for instance, passing the RHIA national certification examination, losing weight, or earning an A grade). The document may be in Word or spreadsheet format but should contain the following:

  • Section I: Establish performance expectations. Identify and state at least one expectation of performance you have selected.
  • Section II: Establish controls on performance. Describe what controls or methods for monitoring performance you could use (or use) to gather data on your performance relative to that expectation.
  • Section III: Type(s) of controls. Classify each control as a “preventative” or “feedback” control.
  • Section IV: Develop an action plan. If your performance exceeded your expectation, what would you do? In contrast, if your performance was less than your expectation, what would you do?

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