Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. CUNY Spelke and Pinker Debate on Causes of Gender Differences Discussion

Elizabeth Spelke, in her debate with Steven Pinker, states: “…Steve argued that social forces are over-rated as causes of gender differences. Intrinsic differences in aptitude are a larger factor, and intrinsic differences in motives are the biggest factor of all. … My own view is different. I think the big forces causing this gap are social factors. There are no differences in overall intrinsic aptitude for science and mathematics between women and men” (11). Based on the evidence provided by Spelke and Pinker and all the other authors in the reading set, do you agree with Pinker that “there is more than “a shred of evidence” for sex differences that are relevant to statistical gender disparities in elite hard science departments?” If yes, why? If not, why not?

Your essay must quote and/or paraphrase and work directly with material from all four essays in this reading set. In addition, define and employ key terms that seem to be central to the arguments of your sources and, therefore, to your argument as well. Primary among these key terms are “intrinsic differences” and “intrinsic aptitude.” Other key terms that might help you with your argument are: bias (subtle or overt); stereotype; socialization; empathizers vs. systematizers; mathematical reasoning; and spatial manipulation.

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