Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Create a report

Create a report that includes the following:

  1. Overview of the Problem.
  2. Graphical and numerical summaries for the length of time the shopper spends on the website, the number of pages viewed, and the mean amount spend per transaction. Discuss what you learned about ABC Company’s online shoppers from these numerical summaries.
  3. Summarize the frequency, the total dollars spent, and the mean amount per transaction for each day of the week. Discuss the observations you can make it about ABC Company’s business base on the day of the week?
  4. Develop a scatter diagram/chart and compute the sample correlation coefficient to explore the relationship between the time spent on the website and the dollar amount spent. Use the horizontal axis for the time spent on the website discuss your findings.
  5. Develop a scatter diagram/chart and compute the
    sample correlation coefficient to explore the relationship between the
    number of web pages viewed in the amount spent. Use the horizontal axis
    for the number web pages viewed. Discuss your findings.
  6. Develop a scatter diagram/chart and compute the
    sample correlation coefficient to explore the relationship between the
    time spent on the website and the number of pages viewed. Use the
    horizontal axle to represent the number of pages viewed discuss your

Writing Homework Help

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