Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. need help with system paper

summary 1-2 paragraphs about the articles: Do not rewrite the introduction.

critique 1-2 paragraphs: give a reason critique of the articles- were that element of the experiment that need improvement? were there weaknesses in the process? are the conclusion in the articles fairly drawn? what was good or bad in the articles?why?

Discuss the function(s) of integumentary system and include the roles that the organs of the system play in that function. (1-2 paragraphs)

Correlate Structure and Function (3-6 paragraphs)

A. Describe three tissues found in integumentary system and correlate how those tissues contribute to the stated function of integumentary system.

B. Choose an organ (or two) in your system and describe how the gross anatomical structure and location correlate with the system’s structure and function.

C. Describe how your system’s anatomy make it ideal for maintaining homeostasis in the body.

Interaction with the nervous system. (1-3 paragraphs)

The nervous system interacts with every organ system. Describe the interaction between the nervous system and integumentary system.

Correlate integumentary system with five necessary life functions (2-5 paragraphs). (Responsiveness, Conductivity, Growth, Respiration, Digestion, Absorption, Secretion, Excretion, Circulation, and Reproduction) these are the life functions. Pick five of them and describe in as much detail as possible how integumentary system helps with the performance of that particular function.

do not use big words please

use the words as 9-10 years can understand.Thanks!

Writing Homework Help

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