Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Discussion Replies, writing homework help

Must be 150 words each.

1) Chapter 11 Automatic Updates

Here’s a real world scenario. You are a help desk technician, you get a call from someone who’s been out on a long term leave and just returned to work and started using their computer and now has discovered that they managed to get some malware on their computer. After investigating the problem you discover that they have missed some updates and their computer was vulnerable and thus got some malware. I’ll expand on this story and solutions later as we talk about update and specifically automatic updates.

This is given scenario what was the issues? (I guess I’ve already provided a clue in the subject line). Why are updates important? And what are the benefits of an automatic update?

2) Chapter 11 Using Windows server update

One the most important things when looking at the health of a server is how current it is on updates and patching because if your servers aren’t getting updates and current patches than your server is vulnerable to attacks, viruses and malware. And if that occurs than your server is in a lot of trouble and potentially cause problem to your users and client computers. That’s the reason why I want to talk about WSUS and it’s importance.

What is Windows Server Update Services? Why is it important? What are some advantages of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)?

Share your experiences with WSUS or what you’ve learned from the ready. Respond to your classmates comments and experiences.

3) CHapter 11 Monitoring

You’re a network administrator and you get a call from users that states that they are not able to access some network resources. You’re wondering to yourself why did I not know about that before hand? As a network administrator having monitor services is critical in know the health of your environment. You want to know before everyone else does so it doesn’t impact business or cause down time.

What are some features of monitoring? What do you want to monitor?

Share your experiences with monitoring or monitoring software or what you’ve learned from the ready. Respond to your classmates comments and experiences.

4) Chapter 11 Event Viewer

like the event viewer in troubleshooting errors application errors. Often time when we install patches or update it can corrupt on a current program and when it run it will generate an error in the logs in the event viewer. Often time the event view will provide a Microsoft link to a fix or it will give you clues on what the problems are or how to fix it. This is certainly a valuable troubleshooting tool that can be used to identify problems.

5) Chapter 12 Understanding Routing

he concept of routing on the surface can seem to be simple but once you peel away the layers it can be complicated but there are a few concepts and terms if understood can making understanding routing easier. Having said that let get some understand of some terms:

Define these terms.

Routing table

Static Routing

Dynamic Routing

The Routing Information Protocol

Boarder Routing

Multicast Routing

6) Chapter 13

I think security has been covered in every class I have taken so far, and rightly so. You can never have enough security on your system, and hackers are always out there trying to get into it even if you think you’ve got it locked down. Active Directory really helps with this by letting you put user controls and group controls as well. I liked the part about smart cards, never looked into that so it was new.

7) Chapter 17

I felt this chapter might be key, so I’m happy to revisit! There were a few things I missed from last week – for one, AD account integration. I have sort of a different idea of “firewall”. I mean, I know it’s a firewall – designed to keep the bad ones out – but, this firewall actually uses AD to verify remote users have an authorized domainaccount, so it’s more on the inside.

I also got a kick out of the author’s Real World Scenario box referencing Firewalls.

Since we went over this chapter pretty in-depth, I thought I’d answer the review questions. See any wrong, please let me know!

Review Questions
What are the various supported RAID types in Windows Server 2012? (Choose three.)
What type of MPIO policy allows load balancing across multiple active paths?
Round robin
What is the minimum number of disks required in a RAID-5 set?
What is the minimum number of disks required in a RAID-1 set?
What is the default TCP port for iSCSI?
What is the largest partition size available for MBR?
2 TB
How many primary partitions can be made on a disk drive with MBR?
Which of the following names/terms identifies a Fibre Channel HBA?
True or False: A basic disk can be configured in a RAID-5 volume set.
Five 100 GB disk drives are used in a RAID-5 set. Approximately how much disk space is available?
400 GB

Words: 241

8) Chapter 11

When looking at Performance Monitor, there are two options to chose from for the data and they are View Current Activity and View Log File Data. According to Panek (2015), View Current Activity measures and shows real-time statistics on system’s performance while View Log File Data lets the user see the info previously saved to a log file. On top of that, three items let the user customize how the data gets collected in the log file which are Counter Logs, Circular Logging, and Linear Logging. Counter Logs records the stats performance based on many things that are related to performance like objects, counters, and instances, all available in Performance Monitor. Circular Logging stores data in the file but gets overwritten as new when entered in the log, Linear Logging will never delete the data from the log file, and new info gets added at the back of log file (Panek, 2015).

Writing Homework Help

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