Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Trine University Prosecuting the Patent Discussion

    Week 7 Discussion: Prosecuting the Patent

    As a patent engineer manager, your job is not completely done once the patent is filed. You still have to go through the prosecution process. The patent application may be rejected by the patent examiner and require you to appeal that ruling to secure final patent protection. Even after the patent is granted your business competitors or other third parties may challenge your rights to the patent and require you to defend the patent prosecution. It is during this time period when an inventor usually seeks out legal advice and meets with a patent attorney to receive guidance in the patent prosecution process.

    For this discussion assume you are a patent engineer that has reached the patent prosecution stage of seeking a patent for an invention created by your workplace organization. You are told by your superiors to seek counsel from a patent attorney who has significant experience with handling patent filings. List at least ten questions that you would want to ask a prospective patent attorney before hiring them to represent your interests in this stage of the patent process.

    In your two responses to your peers, respond to your peer’s analysis, and discuss what if anything they concluded that was different than what you concluded as well as what was similar. Follow up with your own post regarding the same. ———————– there are going to be 2 replies to the students that I will post the comments for tomorrow—————

Writing Homework Help

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