Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. TSU Ghana vs Kenya International Relations Presentation

please prepare your International Paper in the form of a Power Point.

Make it interesting (something you would want to read)

  • Be sure to cover all of the items listed on the assignment.
  • Yes, you can use pictures – but be sure to cover all items listed on the assignment.
  • 14-pt font (at minimum)
  • Number of slides is up to you – but be sure to cover all items listed on the assignment.

NOTE: Do NOT write a 30-35 page paper, do the Power Point instead.

Content/formatting requirements:


*Use paragraph structure and headings/sub-headings to organize your PowerPoint.

*Write in complete sentences and use appropriate grammar and punctuation.

*Use APA 7th edition format to cite your sources—NO EXCEPTIONS! All paraphrases and exact words must be quoted, cited and referenced.

* Create a separate slide per question for each country separately.

Content Part A:

*Use the two different selected foreign countries indicated: Selected Countries: Ghana and Kenya

*Describe the social make-up of each country (location, population, ethnic groups, languages,

religions, education, etc.)

*Describe the economic make-up of each country (economy, household income, workforce/

employment, major sources of industry, etc.)

*Describe the political make-up of each country (government structure, leaders, etc.)

DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!! – Paraphrase and cite

Use the following sources to gather the content part A information required for countries Ghana and Kenya. These sources can be a starting point and additional reputable sources can be used as well.

The World Factbook – The World Factbook (cia.gov) Using this link will bring you to the countries fact sheet listed in the pdf’s below.

GH-summary.pdf (cia.gov)

KE-summary.pdf (cia.gov)

Content Part B

*Choose one major social issue/problem for each country (same or different), and address the following questions in your analysis:

Social issues/problems in Ghana to choose from: youth abortion, food security, unemployment, tribalism.

Social issues/problems in Kenya to choose from: crime, food security, unemployment, tribalism.

o What are the social problems? Describe their depth and breadth. Which specific population(s) is/are affected? How? To what degree are they affected?

o What social policy (government) efforts have been taken to reduce or eliminate the problems?

o Who (what organizations/entities) supports these efforts? How have they demonstrated support of those efforts?

o Have the government efforts been successful? What evidence leads you to this conclusion?

o Are those efforts congruent with social work values? Justify your argument.

o Are those efforts supported by social justice theories? Discuss at least two social justice theories to justify your argument.


Content Part C


* FOR EACH country, if you were a LBSW in those countries, what actions (interventions)

would you take to improve the efforts already made to reduce or eliminate the problems?

  • Step back – think critically here…
  • Do you think your actions would be feasible in those countries
  • current social/political climates? (Think about who you are, what you bring to the table in terms of intersectionality and how that may or may not be relative to undertaking change in a foreign country). Considering all the other items listed above, why or why not?

    *Present a clearly worded description of how you would evaluate the effectiveness of your actions.

    • How would you know your efforts were successful?
    • Describe what one would expect to see.
      • Diagram the baseline, the interventions, and the expected outcome for each over time by creating a single systems design/graph.

    References Part D : The References page must be in correct APA 7th edition format and include at least 5 reputable sources Here are a few resources to help you get started:

    The World Factbook – The World Factbook (cia.gov)

    A Primer on Theories of Social Justice and Defining the Problem of Health Care | Springer Publishing

    6-JSWVE-11-1-Toward a Context-Specific Definition of Social Justice for Social Work-pp 42-53.pd

    Code of Ethics (socialworkers.org)

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